Chapter 3~awkward adoptions

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^^picture of jade {skylars best friend}

Skylars P.O.V

(The next day)

Ding dong
Ugh who could that possibly be I mean I have no mom no dad because he divorced my mom when I was 5...

I run down stairs to check the door and when I peek through the blinds I see jade. I quickly answer the door.

"Hey girl are you feeling ok I called you like 100 times and I texted you and left voice mails" jade stated

"Oh sorry I was having a rough sleep last night" I replied

(well I mean it wasn't a complete lie I did have a hard time sleeping but what am I supposed to tell her "oh hey yeah my mom died in a car crash" like who says that)

"Skylar are you even listening to me!!!??"

"Huh, oh yeah totally sorry I'm just still tired."

"Ok well we're going shopping cause you need to get new clothes for Travis, I see the way you look at him." jade smirks

"Ew the only way I look at him is with discussed, I mean why would I like him anyone he's just some self centered jerk."

"Seems like you like him to me." jade winked "anyways hurry up and get dressed because I'm bored and you need some fresh air."


"I'll wait down here while you get dressed." jade yells

Jades P.O.V

Wow Skylars been acting weird ever since yesterday not replying to my texted or answering any of my calls.

I know something must be up I can tell she's like because I know her that well.

I turn on the tv and watch spongebob. after all of these years he's still funny.

I laugh at the show continually, I can't believe she didn't compliment me she does every day I mean She's been complimenting me since we were 5. we've been together so long now we're 16.

I get bored of spongebob and start to fall asleep..

Skylars P.O.V

Why did she have to come so early its 9:00 like who goes to the mall this early!!!

After thinking about what I'm going to wear I pick out a black and red Hayley Quinn dress from hot topic and some black stockings with 9'inch combat boots.

Since I'm finished picking my outfit I jump in the shower turn on the cold water

(because I like cold showers better than hot ones) then I add some Japanese cherry blossom shampoo to my hair and massage it into my scalp. I quickly rinse it out and do the same with the body wash.

I get out the shower and rap my self around a towel, when I get into my bedroom I dry myself off with the towel and put on my clothes I choose earlier.

I then ragg out my hair and blow dry it on high then curl it into my normal style but I add one big Hayley Quinn bow to my hair just to make it match with my outfit.

When I go downstairs to tell jade I'm ready I see her asleep on the couch so I let her sleep for a few minutes till I hear my phone ring..

I laugh at my ringtone which is Barbie girl I love that song...


"Yes is this Skylar."

"Yes why??"

"Well Skylar I'm sorry to tell you that your going to have to be adopted until you are 18."

"WHAT!!!, Why?" I choke out almost busting into tears

"Because you are not legally able to take care of your self yet.

don't worry we already have someone who will take care of you and there in the neighborhood so you won't have to move schools."

"Ok." After I hang up the phone I notice tears streaming down my face. I start to pack my bags.

"Who was that on the phone?" Jade asks

"Oh , what I thought you were asleep it was no one just someone who had the wrong number."

"Oh yeah ok." jade rolls her eyes

"Ok fine my mom died in a car crash last night and then someone just called me saying...

I had to be adopted because I'm not "legally old enough to take care of myself yet."

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry.. are you ok you could always come live with me and my mom she loves you."

"I can't they said they already found people that want to adopt me.."

"Aw man that sucks well you can always call me or text me if you need me for anything."

"Yeah I know..."

The door bell rings [ding dong ding aksd]

"Why does your door bell do that lol."

"We need a new door bell this one is braking that's why it sounds like that lml."

Skylar runs to the door

"Hi are you ready I am going to be adopting you my name is Jessica but you can call me Jessie."

"Hi...." She looks maybe her late thirty she's really pretty but she dresses kind of young for her age.

don't get me wrong she's not dressing inappropriately she just looks like she's old trying to look young.

"Give me a few minutes to get my things.." I tell her politely

"JADE I got to go I'm about to go to my new family wish me luck."

"Ok and hold on I'm coming I'll walk you out."

When we made our way out from with my bags I told jade bye hugged her and told her I'd call her if there was any problems.

Once me and Jessie were in the car she ask me did I go to killmen high school.

"Yeah I go to killmen high... why do you ask?"

"Well because my son goes to killmen high."

"Oh cool.. I guess"

"Well you might know him his name is Travis."

Oh my gosh this is Travis mom that means I'm going to have to live with that lunatic pysco maniac..!!!!


Oh my goodness she has to live with Travis and his mom is Jessie can you believe it🙀....

I hope you liked this crazy chapter vote and comment I will be updating soon sorry i was late this week I've been busy.

~ Kourt

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