Chapter 2: trouble and confusion

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"Skylar what are you doing here"

"The question is why are you beating up that guy?"

"He was talking about you and he said things that he shouldn't have he deserves this he needs to be taught a lesson" Travis snarled

"Violence is never the answer plus I don't need your protection I can do that myself!"skylar screamed

"Well I don't care how you feel I can do what I chose and I choose to protect you and there's nothing you can do about it" Travis snapped

"Oh great now he's gone you let him go you should have never stopped me in the hall."travis halfheartly screamed

"Hey!!! what are you two doing screaming in the halls disturbing classes when my students are trying to learn!!!!" The principle yells

"It was all Travis fault he's the one who doesn't know how to worry about himself!"

"Well it's not my fault your weak and can't defend your self instead you let people run your life."

Soon as I was about to pimp slap Travis the principle screamed "Both of you GO TO MY OFFICE NOW!!!!"
To be honest hearing the principle scream like that made me shiver in fear.

So I decided I should listen to his unneeded" screaming and started heading to his office. I'm so mad at Travis how could he say I'm WEAK! I am not weak. Oh I'll show him!

Soon as I was thinking of a plan the principles voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Well well well thought you could beat some up and scream in my hallways no one gets to scream in the hallways BUT ME got it!!!"

"Whatever " I snapped

"What was that ms.skylar? Sounds like detention to me what do you think Travis?"

Travis P.o.v

"I don't care what you do just get her away from me"

Skylar looked at me with anger sadness, and confusion in her eyes

What was I supposed to do I can't have people thinking I'm some guy that people can step on and people can talk to me any kind of way no cause I am Travis the most popular kid in my old school I have to show people I am strong and a player.

Players don't talk to girls that aren't cool. Don't get me wrong skylars cool to me but people think otherwise so it's best I act like I didn't know her.

"Hey Skylar can you act like we don't know each other? And If anyone asks just say we were arguing about how come we have to sit next to each the in class ok?"

"Whatever!" Skylar yelled " I never asked for you to talk to me anyways your the one who's trying to flirt with me looking like an idiot!"

I was takin aback my her words so I decided not to say anything while we were walking down the cleared halls and I stopped waking noticing we were getting close to class.

"You go in first so it doesn't look like I was with you"

"Whatever you say Travis."

She looked so mad I just wanted to hug her and comfort her but I knew if I did that would ruin my rep plus then id have trouble staying away from her.

I watched her walk into class and take her seat so I decided it's my turn to walk in after a few minutes went by. I walked in and looked at everyone I mean I had the girls practically starting me down I could see the drool coming out if there faces.

So I threw them a smirk that makes all the girls crazy. They all awed and sighed except for Skylar that was shooting me and them death glares.

Skylars P.o.v

Ugh why we're all these girls drooling on him he's MINE but you know what I don't care he can stare and they can stare for as long as they want I'll make him see what he is missing. Smiling to myself as I thought of a plan.

A few minutes later the bell ring and u was at my locker trying to get my stuff so I can leave this boring excuse of a school.

Then some random jock started flirting with me I was shocked because normally all they guys never talked to me. "Hey beautiful." Kevin smirked

"Hi Kevin. What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"Oh fistey just the way I like em anyways I was just wandering if you wanted to go to my party Friday at my house."

"Oh sure"

"Ok I'll pick you up at 8"

"Ok see you then." as soon as I saw Travis was getting mad we were flirting I decided to take it up a notch and then pulled Kevin to me and kissed him deeply.

it was a lot better then I expected so we were like having a full blown make out session.

We stopped making out because I heard a locker slam and a loud growl that came from Travis then he pushed everyone out the way and ran out the school building.

(A few hours later)

Mom I'm home mom you down there. I yelled

I gasped when I heard the online rang "hi is this Skylar"

"Yes this is she."

"Your mother died in a car crash I am so sorry"

I hung up the phone and cried for what it felt like hours. how come things can't go right??


Get ready for an update and I hope you enjoyed this sad and suspenseful chaper. Vote and comment and tell your friends....


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