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Still got scars on my back from your knife

The next day, I wake up to muscular arms wrapped around my waist and soft snoring.

It was soon recognized as Calum.

Scenes began to flood my mind off yesterday night's events.

The soft caress of his lips against mine, never parting until we were fully unclothed.

The soft whimper as he briefly remembered what happened, fueling his desire to get revenge.

The soft moans that escaped from our mouths, my hands pinned together above me with his hand.

Another soft kiss and whisper.

" Karai? " A morning voice called me, sending a chill up my spine.

His morning voice is the definition of sex.

I turned to him, placing my hand on his perfect jawline.

" Hmm? "

He placed a smug smirk on his face, rubbing his thumb on my waist, "Are you okay? "

I briefly remember telling him harder and him actually doing so.

" Shut up. " I replied playfully, him rolling on top of me.

He smiled, kissing my lips in a lazy way, leaning on his elbows.

The door creaked open, only to reveal the infamous Michael Clifford.

I slowly turned my head to him, giving him an smug smile.

" Oh. Hey. " I greeted.

He stood in the doorway, taking in the position his best friend and I were in. His pink lips were parted in shock, cheeks turning into a red tint.

" What's wrong, Mikey? " I played innocent.

Calum leant down to whisper in my ear, " Why are you doing this? "

I turned to him to whisper back, but Calum was knocked off of me. He fell to the floor, boxers on, in which he put them after we had sex.

He looked up at Michael, him punching him in the face, Calum fighting back.

The two brawled on my floor, exchanging punches, while I sat at on the bed, knowing my place.

Eventually, Calum pushed Michael off, them both breathing heavy.

" You slept with my fucking girlfriend!" The colorful haired boy yelled.

" You slept with my fucking boyfriend, so I'd call it even!" Cal yelled back.

" Your sorry ass boyfriend, came on to me while I piss drunk!" Michael shoved Calum back.

That guilty feeling sunk in my stomach and it was noticeable on Calum's face.

"You fucking slept with him. And for what? I didn't even do anything wrong! Luke got me in a bad time and a sick twist is that you slept with my best mate!" Michael continued.

" You slept with Luke! Of all people, you chose my best friend! Drunk words are sober thoughts Michael! You had to have said something for him to even entertain you. What did you tell him? " I yelled back, causing him to take a step back and fall silent.

" We're through! I'm done with your utter shit! " I got up, in all naked glory, and pushed him out.

I found a t-shirt on floor, it belonging to Cal, and putting it on.

I sat on the bed, shoving my face in a pillow to sob.

"I don't know what to do anymore." I heard Calum say.

At this moment, me neither.

"I'm gonna go home, okay?" His voice cracked.

"Be safe. " I whispered, looking up from the pillow to see him slip his jeans on and shoes.

He looked at me once more, pressing a kiss on my lips and leaving.

Now I'm alone in this house of heart break.

Cuddled myself in the sheets, my phone having no chill.

I watched it ring and saw the faces of Ashton twice, Luke's seven, Michael's eighteen, mom's once, and Calum's three.

My doorbell rang, me in the kitchen getting a poptart. I begrudgingly went to open the door.

"Karai. Please. " I rolled my eyes at Luke.

" Fuck you. " I hissed.

" Please hear me out. It was an accident, I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to happen. "

"Does your ass ever get jealous at the amount of shit that comes of your mouth? " I snapped.

I slammed the door in his face, rubbing my face afterwards.

"Karai! Please. "He whimpered.

I walked off to my room leaving him out there. I ate my poptart, watching my phone notify me that Luke was calling another three times.

" You slept with my boyfriend and expect me to be calm to talk about it a week later. " I scoffed.

I hope you enjoyed. I'm excited for this book.

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