Sunset Snake Eyes

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Sly's POV

After escaping from Raleigh, we were on our way to Mesa City where we would be going against Muggshot a huge brute who runs a casino in Mesa city.

Although he wasn't always the hulking monster he is now, Muggshot used to be the runt of the litter and bullied by others, his only friends were criminals in Mobster movies. Muggshot becoming obsessed grew up aspiring to become a gangster, constantly working out to improve and gain the respect he thought he deserved. He became tough as nails and ensured he was never pushed around again.

I was looking forward to the trip I've always wanted to go the American thriving boom town.

"Hey Sly I thought you said Mesa City was gonna be loud and busy, it's like a ghost town." Bentley said over his binocucom.

I was a little surprised myself, Mesa City was supposed to be lively and colourful but what I was looking at was far from it. Everything was dull, not well lit and deserted.

Getting into Muggshot's hideout was tricky and involved a lot of climbing not to mention having dogs come out of nowhere was pleasant. Plus this place was full of electronic floor sensors, even making walking a challenge.

Soon enough I was in Muggshot's hideout it had more lights thanks to Muggshots casino, but it was still not the boom town I was expecting.

I noticed a car near the entrance all I needed to do was get keys to unlock one of the wheels and I could crash it into the building.

Of course lucky for me Murray unintentionally managed to get me one by having a race with some dogs by the hotdog stand, maybe his appetite could come in handy, and we picked up another one while helping Murray safely move around avoiding toxic drums and guards.

The outside of Muggshots hideout wasn't hugely guarded only about 3 dogs securing the area so it was pretty easy getting around, then again I suppose the real challenge will be waiting for me inside.

I went in through an entrance marked boneyard casino that lead me to what I assume is the ground floor of the casino.

The place was full of dogs wandering around in packs, but by taking them out one by one I managed to not get caught. I must say I'm impressed with this places interior, if Muggshot wasn't a criminal I'm sure he'd do well in the gambling business. Although I'm not too sure about all this water.

Moving around this casino also involved a lot of climbing and already I was getting tired from all this climbing and jumping.

This Muggshot clearly thought a lot of himself his face or name was everywhere; did he think people would forget?

After jumping across tables and avoiding lasers I picked up another page of the Thievius Raccoonus this one being about my ancestor B.F Cooper with his ability to make things a little faster.

I landed on a giant roulette wheel holding the last key.

"Sly this wheel is spinning too fast for you to travel anti clockwise you'll have to travel in the opposite direction and land on the space with the keys." Bentley said.

Using precise and well timed jumps I managed to land on the spaces with the keys and obtained the last key.

Returning to the abandoned car I managed to get it to reverse and crash into the building aiding my entry.

I made my way into the building I took down a couple of guards and was greeted by another giant face of Muggshot.

"Would you look at that ugly mug?" I said to Bentley.

"Indeed and I find it fascinating. My sources say there's an elevator behind this face but more keys are required to open it." Bentley replied.

Well onto the roof.

As Bentley pointed out the rooftops were indeed filthy but lucky for him he wasn't the one climbing then and unfortunately for me it was gonna be a long trip.

Luckily for me Carmelita showed up to speed things along.

"Well, well, well... look who just walked into my crosshairs... Sly Cooper." Carmelita said.

"About time you showed up Ms. Fox, was getting worried about you. Thought you may have taken a wrong turn back in Paris." I replied.

"The only one taking wrong turns is you Sly I suggest you surrender now before I paralyse you with my good friend, the shock pistol." Carmelita replied.

I think she enjoys that shock pistol a little too much.

"Now see, a girl who's best friends a fire arms got issues. I reckon a little dinner, a little dancing and I think I can help you out."

"As long as you don't mind dining in jail." Carmelita said.

"No thanks I hear the service is lousy." I replied getting ready to make another smooth getaway.

"Well soon you can see for yourself." Carmelita replied and started firing shots at me.

Now having to get the key and avoid Carmelita this was more challenging, but like I said helped speed things up a little and lucky for me I managed to momentarily lose her and get a couple of rest stops.

Of course this didn't last long as I didn't entirely lose Carmelita and she managed to track me down again, shooting through windows and knocking down anything that I could land on.

But this time I lost her for good and retrieved the key.

After another few escapades on the rooftops I managed to collect enough keys to and was on my way to face against Muggshot, who knows what's in store for me this time.

After travelling in the elevator I was on Muggshots floor, where I was greeted by an angry looking Muggshot sitting on a throne and a room full of mirrors.

"What?! My boys have been yapping about some big mysterious dude running around cracking skulls and this is it?!" Muggshot said surprised.

"You're the monkey wrench in my operation some puny wimp with a stick...hold on...I've seen that stick before." Muggshot yelled.

"Maybe when my father knocked you're block off with it." I replied.

"You're father? You're a Cooper? You know that Thingus Raccamagoocus had a lot of nice pictures but way too many big words." Muggshot replied.

Wow this guy was something...

"So you don't mind just handing it over?" I asked.

"What are you crazy? You break into my place, steal my stuff and trash the joint. I feel transgressed and violated. Let's rock!"

Look who's using the big words.

I found myself looking down the barrel of Muggshots guns and had to dodge quickly to avoid his frantic shots. While avoiding Muggshot I started turning mirrors to reflect light which seemed to work as it managed to break his guns.

However it wasn't over yet as he escaped to another, higher, floor. Following him I was met with the same as the last but with a slightly different shaped floor and narrow paths making dodging more difficult.

After turning all those mirrors and breaking his other guns he still wasn't finished, but this final floor was especially tricky as I had to rely on the move I learnt from Rioichi Cooper and remain balanced, while at the same time avoiding Muggshots guns and turning mirrors. Oh and did I forget to mention that whenever Muggshot hit a mirror it flipped back around.

Fortunately this round ended him and he gave up and revealed my next target.

Muggshots parts of the Thievius Raccoonus contained information on my ancestor Tennessee Kid Cooper he specialised in the rail walk and rail slide which he'd perfected with his days of theft in the old west.

Muggshot's gambling empire destroyed and gone for good, the citizens started to returned home, although we didn't immediately return back to Paris we hung around the U.S a little while longer before getting back to business.

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