Chapter Twenty-eight.

Comenzar desde el principio

"Chloe told me you made a list of things she told you we liked so you could go out and get us all presents." Chloe's dad told me. "You got us presents, we got you presents. Now open up a damn gift, okay kid?"

"Yes sir." I saluted him awkwardly and went down to the tree. I looked around for a bit before I found a package with my name on it. I sat right there on the floor and opened up the present. "This is a plastic tub full of water." I announced.

"We gave you melted snow." Calvin said.

Carson shrugged and said "We don't have money for real gifts."

I nodded "I love it. It's great. I'll remember to pack this on my next trip to the dessert." I joked and sat back next to Chloe.

"Okay, now you get to choose who opens the next present." Chloe told me. "And since a plastic tub full of snow water is a tough gift to beat, choose wisely."

"Uhm. Calvin, why don't you open a present?" I shrugged. Calvin hurried to the tree and grabbed the bag with the gift I got him. He opened it up and found a marshmallow shooter, with a bag of marshmallows. "I don't really know what teenage boys like, besides typically, teenage girls, and they're kind of hard to fit into a gift bag."

"This is awesome! Thanks Beca!" Calvin ran over and gave me a hug. I was hesitant to reciprocate the contact, not sure of what to do exactly.
After about an hour, four cups of coffee, and three ginger-bread cookies everyone had finished opening their presents. Calvin and Carson each got marshmallow shooters from me, Chloe got them each new skateboards, and they got DVD's, CD's, giftcards, and other random things from their parents, or sent in from random relatives. Chloe's dad got a new golf set from Chloe, I got him a pack of Cuban cigars, the twins made him a birdhouse (I think?) and Chloe's mom got him a really nice fishing rod and new tackle box. Chloe's mom got a new candle holder from the boys (again made, and again what I am assuming it to be), Chloe got her one of those at home foot spa things, I got her a nice bathrobe with slippers, and Chloe's dad got her diamond earrings. Chloe got TWO tubs of melted snow from the boys (what a lucky duck), a really nice pair of boots from her mom, a 100 dollar gift card to Target from her dad who claims he has no idea what to get girls, and a necklace from me. The necklace was a golden heart with real Ruby's (her birthstone) outlining the heart. It cost a fortune, but thanks to my mom's cookbooks, and now all the money I got from my dad, I didn't really need to worry about that too much, it's nice to know I can afford to spoil my fiancée.
I got the mentioned tub of water from the boys, a 100 dollar gift card from Chloe's dad for the same reason Chloe got one, a really cool jacket which had flannel sleeves, a flannel hood, but was denim in the vest area from Mrs. Beale. Chloe's mom said that in most of the pictures Chloe sent of me I was in flannel, and Chloe blushed at the fact that her mom told me she sends pictures of us or just me.

"Okay, Beca you still have one more present." Chloe announced and went to the tree to grab it for me. "This one is from me."

"Wasn't what happened last night my Christmas present?" I laughed. Chloe shook her head and booped my nose. I opened up the huge box and found a professional mixing board that hooks up to your laptop. "Chloe! There is no way... This had to cost a fortune."

"So did this, I'm sure." Chloe said pointing to her necklace. "In fact I bet this necklace costs way more than that DJ mixy thing. Besides its Christmas, cost doesnt matter, what matters is the thought. The twins clearly took advantage of that rule." I gave Chloe a huge hug and a quick kiss, not wanting to make things awkward in front of her parents. "Merry Christmas, nerd."

"This is the best Christmas I've had since my mom passed away." I smiled to myself. "Thank you. All of you, thank you so much." I swear every time I say something this entire family stares at me with the biggest grins I have ever seen. "I'm really proud to be a part of this family."

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