Chapter 10

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No. No. No. No. No. No.

It is 11 a.m. I am late for school. I am so going to get detention.

+ + +

I guessed right. I am currently sitting in an English classroom with three other student. One violated the school's dress code. The second one that just chewed gum in class and the other student, the one that I am truly shocked about, is Katie. I asked her why she is sitting her and her response was just that she came late. I tried to ask her why she came late as she asked me the same and also because I really need to know after what happened yesterday.

What if she and her dad were trying to cover up her mother's death. That's probably why she came late.

No. I refuse to believe it. But what proof of my unbelief do I have. I heard what I heard. And I can't do anything to erase my memory.

Once the school bell rang, indicating that it was currently five o'clock, the discipline master let us leave school as detention was over. I asked Katie if I could come over to her house and straight came out her answer. "No."

"But why not? I mean, you've been to my house so why can't I come over to yours?" I asked, anxious for her answer which is obviously going to be a lie.

"Well, for starters, it's a mess. A big huge mess and there is a lot of stuff that my dad and I need to clear to have any guests over."

Feeling quite curious, I ask, "What about your mom? Why can't she help, it'll speed up the work and I can help too. I can handle a real mess, I have a room all to myself."

"Oh, no. You see, my mom is bed ridden. It's like she's dead. And my dad doesn't like to have any guest to do any work in our house where we are responsible, not our guests." replied Katie.

Like she's dead? More like she is dead.

"Excuse me?"

Did I say that out loud. Oh, no.

"Sorry, I've been watching too much of NCIS. You should watch it. It's awesome." hopefully that will help. But I'm not kidding. I have been binge watching it during my free time.

+ + +

After trying so hard to convince Katie to let me come over to her place, I realised that it was hopeless. So, I stopped. "Fine. But I will pop in at some point. After all, I know where you live." we both laughed at how creepy that last sentence was. We decided to go over to the library to finish up our homework which is what we have decided to do everyday after school. To make matters so much better, there's a vending machine in the library and also a Starbucks right next to it. I know we could have just did our homework there but we just thought that we had more resources in the library.

Once we got there, we chose a table that was the closest to the shelve filled with history books because that was the class that was the homework that we both had. The minute we sat down, she took her phone and texted someone. I was curious. "I'm going to go find a book on World War One real quick." I lies about that. I only said that so I could go behind her and take a quick glance at who she's texting. So, I got up from my seat and went to stand right behind her, being very careful about the fact that my shadow could cast over her. I only managed to see who she was texting, but not what she was texting. I think she noticed me hovering over her because she immediately got up and went to stand behind a shelve. Fortunately, I manged to hurry to the closest shelve to 'find' a book before she could get up.

A few minutes later she told me that she really had to go get some coffee from Starbucks. "Okay." was all I said. I decided to grab a random book and start reading it. So, I went back to our chosen table and did just that. But not at first. Why, you ask. Because Katie left her phone behind. Also, she doesn't have a password. Moral of this story, have a password on your phone because maybe you murdered someone and have all that information on your phone and some crazy teenager takes your phone when your at Starbucks and checks it.
I wouldn't consider this stalking. What I'm doing is good. In some way.

The last text she sent was to her dad and it said: 'Remember Chloe? Yeah. She's on to us. I can tell.'

Oh, shit. She knows. What am I going to do? I'm dead.

When she came back she told me that she had errands to run for her dad so she had to leave. After that, I went home to finish my homework and brainstorm.

It has been two hours and I still have nothing. That was my one and only plan and it could not backfire. Yet it did, sort of. I mean, Katie knows that I am on to her.

Ugh! Why did I have to say that out loud?! I was on a lead and yet I had to ruin it.

I don't know what to do. So, I walk down to m kitchen where my mom is making beef lasagna for dinner and make some green tea to de-stress myself. I take a small whiff of the atmosphere in the kitchen. Ah, the smell of that lasagna. I love it when my mom cooks lasagna. She makes it with extra cheese. She even once managed to get through to Masterchef US but didn't win or get much further because she didn't manage to finish one of her dishes. But I did have to beg her to audition.

After finishing my delicious plate of beef lasagna, I decided to go over to Katie's house and maybe just snoop around a little bit. So, I did just that.

+ + +

I walk up to her front porch and ring the round, silver doorbell. Out came an old figure wearing a blue NBA sleeveless shirt. He stared at me for how long, I don't know. Because a few minutes later, a pale, clenched fist was flying towards my nose and then everything just went black.

+ + +

Hey guys! So so so sorry for the skipping. I hope you guys don't mind it. Oh, and one more thing, (don't kill me for this) DOATN will be on hold until 3 p.m on the 10th of September and I have a PERFECTLY good explanation for that happening. As I have mentioned in almost EVERY chapter ever published by moi, I have an exam called UPSR and it starts from the 8th of September till the 10th. The second trial exam is literally tomorrow and I still haven't gotten to 5 A's yet (there are four subjects and one of them counts as two) but anyway, don't kill me and goodbye :)

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