Chapter 11

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I hear voices.

"What the heck did you do? No one is supposed to be dead in this process."


"Relax, Katie. She is in very good condition."

Who is this?

"She hasn't woken up yet! What if she's in a coma?"

"She isn't."

"And how do you know that? You're not a doctor."

"Neither are you. So just shut up and leave this to me."

I am finally able to open my eyes. The first thing I see is a tall figure with white hair. Everything seems to be a little blurry.

"Chloe? Can you see me?" says Katie. Surprisingly she sounds really worried. I mean, her dad did knock me out. At least I think it's her dad.

I blink as much and as fast as possible to make my vision much clearer. To my dismay, it works. "Where am I?" is all the words that can escape my mouth at the moment.

"See, she's okay." says the tall figure.

I try my best to open my eyes wider so that I can try to make out where I am. "You're in our basement, don't worry. The cops aren't here." then she turns to look at the tall figure next to her and continues with "Yet." I agree with her on that one. Once there is a phone around me, I will call the police. Even if Katie may seem like she cares because she was the one that got me into this.

I must have said that out loud or showed signs on my face because the tall figure says this to me "Don't worry, little girl. I have your cell so you can't call the police. No one will."

Finally, with all the courage I have, I say "Go make out with a snail because I will get out of here no matter what you do to me. And Katie, I thought I trusted you. I thought that we were really hitting it off as best friends. You were the only person that I ever trusted throughout my whole life and yet you do this to me."

After saying those words, I turn and look away from her to show here how angry I am at her. Unfortunately. I was also knocked out again after those words came out of my mouth. At least I was knocked out to the tall figure because I could still see and control myself. Apparently he - the tall figure - couldn't bare Katie's begs to let me go anymore and he knew that she would stay in this basement no matter what, so he just left us all alone. Which scares me because it just makes things more emotional. I do not want that to be happening. I will not cry.

"Chloe. I am really, really sorry about this. I agree. It is all my fault. I just didn't mean for this to even happen. I only though that he was going to change the plan. Not do - this." says Katie.

"What is the plan, Katie? What really happened?"

"Well, if I tell you then he might kill me."

"Don't worry. He can't hear you."

"Okay, Fine."

This is the moment of truth. What really happened.

"Well, my older sister got in a car accident and I was with her when it happened. She didn't make it. My mom was too sad about it so she didn't want to come to the hospital. It was also a Saturday and Saturdays are when my dad goes to the bar and we're scared of him so we didn't want to tell him. I went all by myself. By the time I got home, my dad was already sitting on the couch in front of the television, drinking probably his tenth bottle of beer. When I saw him, I freaked out inside, so I slowly and soundly walked to my room upstairs only because I was scared of what he would do if he found out that it's all my fault that my sister died. Apparently, I was too late. He had already seen me. He got up from his seat and started to shout at me for killing my sister. My mom heard the shouts, so she came down to try and calm my dad down. He got even more mad, he took multiple empty beer bottles and aimed it at me. I didn't know that my mom was behind me, so I ducked to avoid getting hit. She - she ended up getting hit and passed out. At least I thought she passed out until I checked her pulse. We freaked out after finding out that he killed her so we just did what we could. Don't tell the police, bury her body in our backyard and forget it ever happened. When my dad found out that you knew what happened, he couldn't handle himself. Aftet all, no one wants to go to jail, especially for murder. You were right. It's all my fault." from just sniffling she suddenly broke down in tears and I immediately feel guilty about the way I treated her.

"Look, we'll find a way to get out of this - no offense - dump. I have a plan."

+ + +

I suddenly feel the urge to scream. I'm not sure out of happiness, hunger, or anger. I decided to go with happiness. Only because my plan is so simple yet genius that it can actually work out.

"Scream no more, child." says a voice that seems to be coming from the corner of this basement.

"Who the hell are you?!" I manage to shout. I need to make as much conversation as possible. I mean you never know, he could be a serial killer. Although he did kill his own wife on accident, he can still go to jail. I will make sure of that. No matter what happens, he is not going to get away with murder and kidnapping. Also, possibly drunk driving. Just saying.

I try with all my will to get up from laying on the ground once Katie's dad leaves the basement. I am not going to say there like a lifeless idiot that does not care about the fact that she has been kidnapped and is in some dudes basement. Yeah, no one want that. Surprisingly, I am not tied or handcuffed to anything. Thus, I can walk around. Wow, this guy really sucks at kidnapping people. At least I know that he has no experience in these things. I walk up the stairs that I am guessing leads to the living room. I hope so, because if I end up in the living room, then that must mean that I am only a few steps away from the front door, I can actually escape. At least I thought I could, because I am - once again - punched in the face. I fall back down on the ground but I am not unconscious, I only can not feel my face. I try to look around only to see if he is taking me to another room. He is. All I have to do now is watch carefully so I can try my best to escape just in case the plan does not work. Though I highly doubt that it won't work. I just seems too good. I wonder where is Katie.

He drops me on a bed and starts questioning me about why he found me walking towards the living room and all I said was that I wanted a glass of water. "At least kidnappers feed their whomever they hold hostage. They even let them drink for crying out loud. Heck, you didn't even tie me up to something so I couldn't escape."

"I did tie you up. Really tightly, too. Don't you see the marks on your wrists?"

"Then why the heck did you untie me?"

"I don't think you remember, but you were screaming really loudly and there was no other way to shut you up but to untie you. There were other ways but you just kept biting my leg. You have very sharp teeth by the way."

All I did was look at him with disgust. Mostly because I kept biting his leg. I'm just disgusted at the both of us. I wonder, what is taking Katie so long?

She's probably gone to the police. But she can't be taking that long.

I just really really hope that this plan works out the way I want it to.

+ + +

Hey guys! Did you like this chapter? I hope you did. Sorry for not posting for SO long. As I said. I had this exam (it feels SO GOOD to say that in past tense) and I was pretty busy with homework and everything and they day after that I had to go to a school camp because 1. I have never been to a school camp before and this is my last year in my current school (*tear) and 2. I really wanted to go. There's more but this is enough. Anyway, I hope that this is all that I have to say so, please vote if you like this chapter like I loved writing it. :)

Diaries Of A Teenage Nobodyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें