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This is the last part of the story, please enjoy


*3 years later*

Zayn’s P.O.V

I had a hard time getting over jess’ death, but Kylie had it worst.  She told me that it was all her fault that he died.  If she had yelled at the short guy that was flirting with her sooner, Jess wouldn’t have run away, and get hit by the bus. I kept on telling her that she did nothing wrong, and that it was jess’ time. But she couldn’t forgive herself. It has already been 3 years and she still feels bad. But as time went on, we learned to accept his death. We don’t mention it anymore. We’re not trying to forget the situation, we never will. But it’s better to keep him in our memories than keep on saying it out loud and opening up the wound. But I think after that situation it helped me realize that our lives could end any second. It made me realize that we should love each other more and not fight.

Every time I replay the image of jess getting hit, I would always think about something that would break my heart. I thought ‘what if that was Kylie who got hit’. His death made me become more aware of how much it would hurt if Kylie ever left me.  It made me recognize that I do have feelings for Kylie. I’ve come to believe that I do love Kylie.

“Zayn, honey. Where are you?”  My mom asked from downstairs.

“I’m in my room!” I yelled at my mom. She then walked into my room holding a basket of laundry and setting it on the ground.

“What are you doing.” She asked me.

“Nothing.” I said while shutting my laptop, so she couldn’t see what I was doing.

“Zayn, hand over your laptop. Now!” my mom said. I reluctantly stood up and handed her my computer. She then opened it up and scrolled through the page I was on.

“This is the xfactor website. Are you going to try out for the x factor again?”  My mom asked.

“Again?” I questioned her.

“Well you have sent in audition forms before. But you’ve always chickened out.” My mom replied.

“I did not chicken out. I just didn’t want to leave Kylie.” I said honestly. My mom then took me by the shoulder and we both sat on my bed.

“You have to follow your dreams and not let anybody hold you back.” My mom said.

“But……. ”

“No buts. I know you really like her Zayn, but you have to do what’s best for you.” She said cutting me off.

“Ok, but I’m going to invite Kylie over.  So I can tell her.” I said back. My mom nodded her head and gave me a hug.  She then left the room and I grabbed my phone.

From: Zayn

To: Kylie

Hey can you come over. I have something important to tell you.

I then clicked send and got a reply a few seconds later.

From: Kylie

To: Zayn

Sure be there in a few minutes.

I continued to scroll through the xfactor page until I heard a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I yelled not taking my eyes off the screen.

Kylie then walked in through the door and jumped on the bed.

“HEY ZAYNIE!” She yelled with ruffling my hair.

“Hi.” I said glumly.

“What’s wrong?” she asked with a worried expression.

“I have something to tell you. Um…..”

“Yes.” She encouraged me on.

“Well I’m thinking about auditioning for the xfactor.” I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

“That’s great!” she said before pulling me in the hug.

“But I’m going to be leaving! You shouldn’t be happy?” I said back.

“I’m not sad because I know that no matter what, you’ll come back for me. I mean were best friends.” She said with a serious face.

“Your right. We’ll always be together.” I said being really cheesy.

“Yea. And when you’re rich and famous, I can come live with you in your big mansion.” She joked.

“Yup. For sure.” I joked back.

“I love you Zayn.” She said in a friendly way.

“I love you Kylie.” I said in a non-friendly way. But she didn’t know.

I hugged my best friend even harder. That always felt good to say. Kylie, my best friend.

I will forever be grateful to Jess because without him, I wouldn’t have realized that I really did love my best friend.

Hey guys…. It’s officially over. I’m so sad!! Please vote and comment. If you really like this and want me and Nicole to continue writing than tell me on my message board. If we get a good response, then Nicole and I will make another account. Thanks so much for getting this far.

For the very last time

- Alana Maclean and Nicole

Zaynsprincess97 Prequel Contest- Zayn's bestfriend.Where stories live. Discover now