Chapter 5

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I walked into the art room and took a seat beside Jess. He quickly pounced on me and started talking a lot.

“Today’s such a nice day, isn’t it? We should do something after school! And invite Kylie too! That would be so fun!!! You wanna?”

It has been exactly a week since the first day of school. Kylie, Jesse (or as I now call him Jess) and I have become good friends. We would run around a lot together. Jesse was cool. He was crazy, but not in the bad way. And he’s always so energetic. He would’ve kept talking if the teacher hadn’t walked into the room.

“Morning class” the teacher said. She walked over to the board and wrote “LOVE” on the board.

“Today, you will all be starting your new projects. And to start off the year, we’re going to go with a theme you all should be familiar with…” she gestured towards the board. “…Love”

The whole class started murmuring and whispering to each other.

“Be quiet!” the teacher said. “For this project, you will get into partners and use whatever medium you want to express ‘love’. Clay, water colour, paint, or even just a sketch.”

Jesse glanced over at me and mouthed the words “partners” at me. Should I feel honoured or a bit weirded out that he wants me to be his partner for a project based on “Love”? Either way, I nodded back.

“Alright. So everybody partner up and get to work” said the teacher and everyone stood up to start looking for their partners. Jess scooted his chair beside me and then put his arms on my desk.

“So….whaddya wanna do?” I asked.

“Hmmm, how about paper mache?” he asked me. “We can make the face of a girl and base it off of Kylie”

“Kylie?” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Why Kylie? This is a project for love, isn’t it?”

He sighed. “I didn’t know if I should tell you but…I like Kylie”

My eyebrows were as high as my hair now. “When did this happen?”

“I kinda liked her in elementary school but I never talked to her. But now I have you” he said winking at me.


“Yes. You, Zayn Malik, are best friends with Kylie. You can be my wingman” he declared.

“I don’t know…” I said. I thought about it for a moment. I didn’t want Kylie to date a player like him.

“Come on Zayn. Help a brother out. You have basically EVERY class with her” he made puppy dogs eyes at me. “PWEASE????”

“Alright, fine” I agreed.

“Great, now let’s get to work on our sculpture” Jess said and he ran off to find some newspaper while I sat there in my seat, sketching Kylie’s familiar face onto my notebook.

It was finally Science class. A big smile grew on my face. It was because it would be in the same class as Kylie. However, I have to be Jesse’s wingman. I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to do. During art class, Jess told me all the things that I’m supposed to say about him. Things like sports achievements and special awards. I decide just to wing it. Cause I’m a “wingman”.

“Hey Zayn!” Kylie said to me as she took her seat next to me.

“Hey, pretty lady.” I said. She started to blush. “Hey did I ever tell you…”

I was about to tell her about how Jess had won athlete of the year at our school last year. But a thought stopped me. Why was I even helping Jess when I didn’t like him and Kylie as a couple? I mean, it would be totally annoying if the two of them were to start going out.

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