Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

3 weeks had passed since I met Kylie. It had honestly been the best few weeks of my life. Kylie made me really happy and always had me laughing. She was so fun to be around. However, whenever I saw her talking to other kids I got really jealous. Though she told me none of them were as cool as me. I just hope that she doesn’t find someone cooler than me. It has also been 3 weeks since Kylie and I had started to build our fort. We went out every single day of the week to add bits and pieces. Today was the day when we could finally climb inside. My mom’s car pulled up to the parking and we exited the vehicle. The sky was perfect, just like the day I met Kylie. This time as we walked towards our fort, I grabbed Kylies hand and not my mothers. We had finally crossed the park and reached the outskirts of the forest. I then noticed the fort. It was placed strategically between 2 larger trees on the ground. Even though Kylie and I practically begged our parents for a tree house off the ground, they said no. Apparently they thought one of us was going to fall. Well they thought I was going to fall. I couldn’t blame them I am clumsy.

“Last one there is a rotten egg.” Kylie said while sprinting off.

“UGH! I’m too lazy to run.”  I whined and continued to walk. “I don t care if I’m a rotten egg.”

“You’re no fun.” Kylie said while running back. That’s when I sprinted past her. I’m such a trickster.

‘You little bugger!” She yelled while trying to catch up to me. But I’m a little faster, so I beat her. I finally stopped in front of our fort and examined it. It was made completely made out of wood that was painted a pale white. Then Kylie caught up to me and leaned on my shoulder.

“YOU CHEATED!” She yelled at me while gasping for air. I guess she’s not a runner.

“I know.” I said nonchalantly. “But at least I’m not a rotten egg.” I teased her.  Her face then turned red. Well, redder than before.

“Be quiet. But I think you’re the rotten egg. Your shoes smell terrible.” She said plugging her nose.

“No comment.” I said before unlocking the door to the fort. I’ve gotten used to all the teasing that Kylie has done to me, so that comment was nothing. We walked inside and I closed the door behind us. The fort was filled with some blankets and soccer balls. We didn’t want to put anything valuable in case somebody broke in. I then took one of the blankets and spread it out across the floor. Then there was a knock on the door. What? I don’t think we have any neighbours. 

“Come in!” Kylie yelled. I then lightly hit her on the arm.

“OW!” She yelled with a smile on her face. I’ve learn to know that she likes to exaggerate, a lot.

“You don’t know who’s at the door! You just can’t let anybody in. What if they are crazy?” I scream-yelled. So the person outside the door couldn’t hear us.

“You’re so paranoid!” she said while going to the door.

“I bet you don’t even know what paranoid means. Were only 5.” I objected.

“I heard the word from my mom. But I don’t need to know the word, to be right.” She snickered.

“Your impossible to argue with.” I said giving up on the previous conversation.

“And that’s why you love me.” she said while opening the door. Then my mother walked into the fort holding a picnic basket.

“Why did it take so long to open the door?” my mom asked while setting the basket on top of the blanket.

“Zayn thought you were some killer.” Kylie said while pointing a finger at me. 

“Well……………….that’s nice.” My mom said trying not to take offense. “There is food in the basket. If you need any help, I’ll be outside by the oak tree.”

“OK. Bye mom.” I said while going straight towards the basket.

“Bye.” Mom said while closing the door behind her. I took a seat on the ground and so did Kylie. I then pulled all the food out of the basket and set it on the blanket. The food consisted of ham and cheese sandwiches, grilled cheese, a slice of pizza and pretzels.

“I so hungry.” Kylie said while opening the bag of pretzels and shoving a few into her mouth.

“Don’t hog the bag.” I said while stealing it out of her hands. She then giggled and snatched the bag back. I groaned. I would have grabbed it back, but I was too lazy. She also had a death grip on it.

“Hey Zayn.” She said with a serious look on her face. Oh no what did I do.

“What did I do this time?” I said voicing my thoughts.

“What?” she said confused.

“You gave me a serious look. Obviously I did something wrong.” I explained.

“No!” she said quickly. “What I was going to say was I’m really glad you’re my friend.” She said shyly.

“Same here.” I said smiling at her.

“Zayn. Can I ask you a question?” she said nervously.

“Anything.” I said confidently.

“I wanted to know if you wanted to officially… know……be my best friend?”

“I didn’t think you needed to ask.” I said back happily.

“So that’s a yes?” she said excitedly.

“Well…. You’ll have to give me some time to think about it. I mean it’s a huge commitment.” I joked. She then slapped me on the arm.

“Yes, I will be your  best friend, if you will be mine.” I said.

“Yes. I will be your best friend.” She said smiling. I then gave her some awkward hug because we were sitting down.

“I hope that when were older, that we will still be best friends.” Kylie said.

“I promise I’ll be your best friend forever.” I said back. “We can come here when were older and have picnics like we do now.”

“I’d like that.” She said happily.


We have kept that promise so far in life and it won’t break soon. Kylie and I have gone to elementary school together and nobody has come between us. But now were about to take another big step in life together. High School. Just like in the past, we will get through it together. She will always be my best friend.

Hey guys…. It’s Alana. My time is now over. The next chapter will be Nicole. Trust me you guys will like her. Thanks for getting this far. You guys will see me again when I write the epilogue!!!




Eat food


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