Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I probably should have heard the plan before agreeing to it. Honestly, I didn’t want to do it. But I couldn’t back out now. Besides, Kylie already dared me to do fulfill it. And as everybody knows, once you’ve been dared, you absolutory have to do it. After we had gone over the plan a second time, I was ready. We then walked down the stairs casually like nothing had just happened. When we made it into the kitchen, we saw the table was covered in food. It consisted of egg salad, salami, provolone, bread, and barbeque potato chips.  Now I realized how hungry I had actually been.

“Mummy! These are my favorite foods!” Kylie screeched.  “Did Mrs. Malik know I was coming over?”

“No, I didn’t Kylie.” My mom explained. “These are also some of Zayn’s favorites also. But Zayn doesn’t like egg salad.”

Wow me and Kylie like the same food. That’s had to mean something. Maybe we were meant to be friends and it was fate that I had landed on her. Either way, I couldn’t help but gain a little more confidence.

“Well, that means more egg salad for me.” Kylie cheered as she took a seat at the square table. I went to go take the seat next to hers, but my mom made it here before me. I groaned. Well that sucks.

Then I realized the only chair that was left was the one across from Kylie. I decided I wanted to be closer to her, so I tried something.

“Hey mom. Can I sit there.” I said shyly, looking at my shoes. She raised her eyebrow and gave me a confused look.

“Zayn why do you want to sit here?” my mom practically screamed. I mentally face palmed.

“Mom.” I whined. Not wanting to tell her that I wanted to sit next to Kylie. My mom still looked confused, so I pointed to Kylie. Luckily, Kylie was too focused on her food to notice what was happening in front of her. My mom then gasped loudly, finally realizing what I wanted. She then stood up from her seat.

“Zayn, why don’t you take my seat next to KYLIE?” My mom said emphasizing Kylie. She then sent me a wink and I groaned. My mother is too embarrassing sometimes. I pulled out the chair and sat down. You know that gross feeling when you sit in a warm chair, and you know someone was sitting in recently. Well I was feeling that and I shivered a little. I brushed off the feeling and grabbed a sandwich for myself. Our moms had started a conversation about old times, so Kylie and I stayed quiet.

“Zayn.” Kylie whispered to me. Ok, stay calm. She’s probably just asking for the salt. It’s not like she would ever want to have a civil conversation with me. So I ignored it.

“Zayn. I need to talk to you.” She said with a little impatience in her voice. Wow, she wanted to talk to me. This time I didn’t hesitate to respond.

“Yes, Kylie.” I said with too much excitement in my voice.

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