Chapter 9 - Weapons

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Herro, sorry for not updating for a veeerry long time.
Enjoy ze chappie!

Ramiella's POV

I'll admit the sudden appearance was quite..... Well, sudden. But, Alanna is the leader and she can kill us if she wanted. Orders are orders.

However, all of us really wanna help Toby out. He's most likely still getting used to the whole dragon thing, while we have been used to it for about a year. Not much experience but yeah.

I looked back at Toby and saw him looking between his sword and us. Hopefully he doesn't attack, or Alanna really will kill him.

Toby's POV

When I looked at all of them, my face was showing lots of emotions. Curiosity, hope, thankfulness, but mostly fear. Fear that they were going to kill me. But for now, there's no reason to be scared of death.

If I die, I'll be with you, Mom and Dad.

"Jeez, stop being all sad and depressed and do something. Dumb kid."

He said the last part very quietly, but I could just about hear it. I would usually be offended, but, he's right. I need to do something.

I looked between my sword and the cloaked girls. I saw the ramen cloaked girl look at me and I flinched, barely. I'm guessing she could see, or sense me flinching, because she looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. Pity? Looks like it. But why?

I stopped wandering on the thought and looked back at the sword. I quietly reached for it, but my hand was stomped on by one of the cloaked girls.

"Don't. You can't do anything yet. You haven't undergone any training whatsoever, so just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." She said.

When she took her foot off of my hand, she used her foot to kick my sword away.

She has a very strong kick. Jeez.

"Toby just got beat by a girl! Toby just just beat by a girl!" Gagura said in a mocking and very annoying voice.

'Just shut up.'

"Fine, you killjoy."

I looked back at the girls and saw they were all reaching for stuff.

2 of them were reaching for their back. 1 of them reached for their left hip. One reached into her cloak. One reached her arms out, and the last one reached to her ear.

All at once, they brought out some pretty powerful looking weapons.

A fire katana, a water staff, a metal bow, a wind bow, an electric dagger, and two kunai shaped like chopsticks. For eating ramen. Lol.

They all took a step back, then launched forward.

Thus, the fight began.

Author's Note


school starts tomorrow and I'm staying up late. Not a good idea, but eh. I DONT WANNA GO TO SCHOOL WAAAAHHHHH

whatevs. Well, piece out homies!

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