Chapter 13 - ...What's a Galahorm?

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Toby's POV

We were on our way to a place that Alanna called Peleastradon, apparently that's everybody's hometown. I, for one, was very frustrated because I had just unpacked, slept, then packed AGAIN to go to Pelestra..Peleeastraaaaaa.....whatever its called.

     "OI! LETS GET GOING!" I heard Alanna screaming.

   We walked out the cave. I turned around to see Mandy fake crying.

"Goodbye, Cave of Fake Hogwarts! I'll miss you forever!" she said.

    With that, we started actually walking towards this big van that fit all our stuff inside. I put my boxes in the back, closed the door, and backed away.

  "Okay, who's gonna be our driver?" I asked. Everyone looked at each other and pointed at Ramiella.

"WHY ME?!?!?" she whined.

   "I'm hyper from breakfast, I don't trust Belle, I don't even know if Toby can drive, and Mandy says she's tired." Alanna answered her.

  "Fine, as long as I can play whatever music I want." 

Alanna and Ramiella exchanged glances. 5 seconds later, Alanna walked to the back of the van again. She opened the back door  and grabbed one of the boxes. She opened it and grabbed a few CD's. Wrong, she practically grabbed the whole box full of CD's.

   "You're picking from these though," she said.

We FINALLY started going on our little journey.

1 hour later

  "Are we there yet?" Mandy asked.

  "NO, STOP ASKING OR IMMA THROW YOU OUT" Alanna screamed back.


  Again, Ramiella and Alanna exchanged looks. 

 Ramiella picked up one of the CD's and put it in the disc player thingy. It immediately started blasting music.

  "PERMANENT VACATIOOONNN" Ramiella and Alanna sang.

  "You listen to this kind of music?" I asked no one in particular.

  "What, you think its gonna be some holy Jesus music or something?" Ramiella asked back.

 What the heck, Holy Jesus music? I thought.

 "Holy Jesus music, like gospel singing and stuff. Duh."I heard a deep voice say from the back of my head.

 Oh, I forgot you were here, Gagura, I thought again.


Mandy looked at them and said, "YAAAAAAAS!"

 "They're still singing? Just saying, they sound TERRIBLE." Gagura said again.

 I chuckled and everyone looked at me, even Ramiella.

Mandy hit Ramiella in the arm. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE DRIVING! BAJEEZUS!" she screamed.

3 hours later

"Ok, I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry, Alanna." Mandy said.

"No, I mean, like, starving."

"YEAH AND I NEED A BREAK FROM DRIVING." Ramiella said/screamed.

1 hour later

"OK EVERYONE GET OUT" Alanna yelled out loud.

"What? Why?" I asked.

We were in the middle of nowhere, dead grass lying everywhere.

"You'll see." 

Everyone got out and got out the boxes from the back of the van. Alanna picked up some of the boxes and stacked them up, building what looks a huge fort. 

"Oh, I remember this," Belle said. I realized she had been pretty quiet the whole time, other than singing with Ramen and Alanna. 

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen-excuse me, man, I now welcome you and present to you....drumroll please.......The fort of....umm...portals?" Alanna said.

Belle walked beside Alanna and stood across from her, later saying, "Please enter, enter, please enter!"

We all walked inside the cardboard fort, sitting in a very wobbly circle.

"Okay, Mandy, please lead us in this ceremony." Alanna said.

Mandy sat there and looked at Alanna with a 'WTF' look on her face.

"Ummmm okay..... take out your weapons. Place them in the middle of the circle facing away from you, forming a snowflake figure. Concentrate on transporting power to the weapon." Mandy said, looking confused. 

"Da heck? Ya'll look constipated." Alanna said.

"I was talking to my dragon, stupid." She said back, punching her arm.

We all did as we were told, concetrating power into our weapons.

"So, what is this supposed to do again?" I asked.

"If there's enough power, then it will supposedly make a portal, bringing us back to Peleastradon." Sarah told me.

I nodded and went back to concetrating power.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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