Chapter 8 - Nightith

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Toby POV

"It''s....N-nightith of the D-dark....Why is he here?"

'Who is Nightith of the Dark? It sounds like you're scared of him.'

"He was one of the Legendary Dragons...I'll explain later....just get inside..."

"Okay...." I was confused, but I guess I had to trust Gagura for now.

I ran towards my front door as fast as I could, but when I got there, I forgot it was locked. I took out my key, put it the lock, and got inside. As soon as I got in though, someone in a black cloak with a purple spiral on the back was blocking me. I tried getting back outside as quiet as I can, hoping he wouldn't notice me. He did.

I needed to get my sword, and fast.

"Child, I know how you can get your sword. It will exhaust you, seeing as you haven't started training yet, but it your best chance and it might work."

'okay, how?'

"I will allow you to use my power JUST this once. Use it to summon the sword in a time of need. When you are in danger, concentrate on the Earth and power."

Okay.. Have to be careful.

The hooded man pulled out a purple scythe with black triangles in it. He swung the scythe up. Just he was about to bring it down, I closed my eyes and raised my hand, waiting for the impact.

I opened my eyes, surprised. In my hand sword...the sword...

The man growled, out of pure anger and hatred. What was the problem with this guy, I didn't even know him!

The fact that he growled didn't scare me. The fact that it was extremely animal like did.

I swung the sword but missed. I backed up into the front lawn again as he brought his scythe up. I raised my sword at the same time.

Right when I was about to block his hit, 6 more hooded figures showed up. They were blocking their energy, so I couldn't tell who they were, or if they were even dragon tamers.

Each of the cloaks had a symbol on it. On the far left, the black cloak had an iron bar on the back. Next, the black cloak had a lightning bolt on it. Then in the middle, on the cloaks there was a flame and an orb of water. Next to the water thing, the cloak had 3 wavy lines, representing wind, I think? On the far right, the cloak had a....wait what? A cup of noodles??! I am even more confused now. Noodles?! Are you kidding me?!

"No child, there is actually a noodle dragon. The funny thing is, his mother named him..he he....Instant. He."

'Wow, Gagura. You actually laughed. Now, back on a serious note, these are definetly those girls from school.'

"You are correct child. The only question is, are they here to save you, or to kill you?"

The Dragon Tamer (DISCONTINUED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя