I'm Sorry

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****Arabella's PoV****

"Your my what?!" I exclaimed.
"I'm your mother." She gulped.
"Shut up! No your not, mothers don't abandon you at birth, for God knows what." I shrieked.
"Look, I felt like you were better off."
"Well, I was cause Hailey's my mom not you. Now get out of here before I scream." I said.
"Look I'm sorry-"
"Don't touch me. Get away from me." I shrugged her off.
"I'm sorry." She said. Hailey then motioned her to the kitchen.

*****Hailey's PoV******
"Sorry about her, she's trying to sink this into her head." I said.
"Thanks for everything."
"Your welcome but you don't deserve it. You think I'm not mad at you, of course I am you left this beautiful baby child, and for who? You don't deserve my open arms but I think you don't need my anger either." I said.
"Ya your right. Is my apartment taken? Has anyone called for me since I left." Kalya asked.
"Ya your dad did. You didn't tell me you were 'that' rich."
"Ya.. It j-just never came up." She mumbled.
"Look, I'm sorry." Kayla said.
"You better be." I said then swiftly bumped passed her.

The nerve of that girl. Showing up after 10 years! Expecting what? A big welcome? I don't think so. I walked back into the living room, where a now calm Arabella was sitting down thinking.
"Hey, how's things?"
"How's things? How's thing?! Ho-"
"Calm down. It's ok." I said softly. She turned away from me giving me her back. "Bella. My sweet Bella. Everything will be ok." I said soothingly. Then her shoulders started to shake and I smiled. Me calling her Bella, always got to her. Right there to her heart. Always. I turned her around and wiped her tears, then before I got the chance she hugged me. And I hugged her back with all my might. "Sweetie. I love you. Forget about the girl in this apartment that claims to love you. Because I love you. I love you more than the sun and the moon combined!" Then she giggled helplessly. And I laughed along.

*****Kayla's PoV******

I heard some laughter from the living room so I peaked through the door and saw Arabella and Hailey laughing. And I thought 'That could of been me.' But I blew it. I blew my chance to have this moment. Then a tear rolled down silently. It just rolled down swiftly. It was only a drop but it felt like everything. Everything. Then another fell down from my left eye. I blinked then wiped them. I quietly left the door and made a decision.

*******6 Years Later*********

"Would you try not to kill us!" I shrieked grasping onto the car door.
"Relax. Geez mom, you can be such a scaredy cat." Arabella joked, moving eyes from me then back to the road.
"I am not!" I protested. "Eyes on the road, eyes on the road!"
"Whatever." She laughed, deviously. Making me fear my life ten times more.
"Alright, alright. I think this driving lesson is over. Plus I have dinner with your da- half dad."
"That's right. He's not my proper dad yet, he must earn it. Now switch." She said then halting in the middle of the motorway.
"Bella!" I shrieked. "Oh just get out, you!" Then I hurriedly got out of the passenger seat, while Bella took no concern of all the traffic and honking that was going on at us. I pushed her aside from the door and quickly went in then her followed. I drived back home. "Say hi to Hailey for me. I'll come over tomorrow." Then I winked and went into my apartment.

"Uh.. What's this Zander?" I asked confused at the no lights and candles lit.
"A romantic dinner." He grinned. "Right this way, babe." He put a hand on my back and brought me to the coffee table in my living room.
"Doritos' and the dip?! How sweet." I said sarcastically.
"I know right." He smirked.
"Ugh, your lucky I'm hungry." I grunted.
"Look inside the bag of Doritos." He grinned.
I then picked it up and realised it was rather light for a big bag of Doritos. I liked inside and saw box. A ring box. "You didn't!" I gasped. I took the box and opened it and it was empty. I was furious! He chuckled loudly then I hit his hard chest. "Not funny." I said embarrassed.
"Look into the dip bowl." He smirked.
"This is another trick." I said as I put my hand in the surprisingly empty dip bowl. I took out a ring and squinted at the beautiful silver ring that had a small diamond in the middle. I frowned. "Is this a joke?" I asked.

"Nope." He grinned. He took the ring from me and bent down on one knee. He held out the ring to me. "I love you Kayla. So much you can't even imagine. Through everything I did you still took me back. Even though I abandoned you and our daughter. You took me back. And ever since I promised to never do it again. I love you to bits. And the reason you can tell I'm not lying is because you know how much I hate confessing my feelings. And all that shit, it's just not me. But for you I'd do it. Your someone special," A tear fell down my cheek, "your my special girl. I love you so much. And would you please marry me?"
"Oh my God, yes!" He then put the finger on my ring finger. He lifted me up and twirled me around then kissed my lips. We kissed so beautifully it got intimate. It got real. I loved it. I loved him. And he was all mine....

Author's Note: hope you like this. Sorry it took long to get here. And sorry for my previous short chapters, so this is my make it up chapter. Hope you liked, there will definitely be more soon☺️😜.

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