My Whole World Crashing Down

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"Who's the father!?" Hailey asked me yet another question.

"Z-Z-Z-Z-Zander." I sobbed through my tears. This wasn't good. This wasn't good. I repeat this wasn't good

"What?! Did he rape you?!" She asked me another question yet again.

"N-no w-w-were dating for a while now." I said through sobs.

"What?! How long?" Hailey asks me.

"Over a m-month." I reply. "I-I better g-go tell Z-Zander." I got up before Hailey could bombard me with anymore questions. I then marched all the way to Zander's apartment. I knocked on the door and seconds later it swung open.

"So are you pregnant?" He asked waiting for the big reveal.

"I'm pregnant." I said reluctantly.

"You're kidding right! Haha very funny." He said starting a little chuckle.

"I'm not joking." I scrunch my face in confusion.

"Are you serious? Look me in the eyes and tell me your pregnant so." He folded his arms as if he took no nonsense.

"I'm pregnant." I said looking deep into his eyes.
"What?! Your not going to keep it are you?!" He exclaimed. I stayed silent and then his facial expression went from shocked to seriously worried. "You can't keep this baby Kayla." He said softly.

"Why not? I said stubbornly.

"Because we can't raise this kid. I can't raise this kid." He answered.

"I'll raise it. Goodbye." I said angrily and marched back to my apartment and ran straight into my room and cried in my pillow. A few seconds later Hailey came in and sat down on my now draped bed and blue rose sheets. "Hey, what's wrong?" Hailey asked me.

"Zander won't help me raise the kid." I said through sobs.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't keep it, I mean you got enough to things to d-" Hailey began.

"D-D-Don't. I don't want to get a lecture on how hard it can be, ok-k? If no one will help me I'll do it on my ow-w-n-n." I said sobering up.

Hailey sighed. "Fine. I'll help but I'm not going to be your free nanny. Or nanny for that fact. You will do must of the work, I'll help sometimes. Only sometimes." She said sternly.


"Yes." She sighed. "But don't keep knocking on my door everyday asking for help." She conditioned sternly.

"I won't p-promise." I smiled finally cheering up. We then hugged and laughed. Then we headed to the living room and watched some TV.

*****7 MONTHS LATER*******

I breathed in deeply then breathed out deeply. I tried to relax. 'It's just the baby kicking.' I told myself as I went through excruciating pains. Man this baby is deadly. And it hasn't even come out yet! I looked, to my small dressing table to see the time on my digital clock. It was 4 a.m. Shit this was painful. After several minutes I couldn't bare such pain anymore. I got up out of my bed slowly and walked across the hall to Hailey's. I banged on the door loudly non stop till she opened the door looking very grumpy. Then I finally lost it and couldn't compose myself no more so I fell to the ground. For a baby I was supposed to be controlling it seemed like the roles were reversed. Hailey knew then that this was serious and ran to go call someone to help. She also had called an ambulance that would be here in 5 minutes, which would be how long it took for them to get me down there. Hailey grabbed a coat and put it over my silky blue nightdress.

To my surprise Zander came rushing in and dropped down next to me. "It's ok, Me and Hailey will get you to the hospit....." Is all I heard because then my eyelids grew heavy and the next thing I knew I was being rolled on a stretcher. "Get me some pain killers." The Doctor said. I was then being given pain killers and being injected with some sort of substance. Then everything went numb and the next thing you know the doctor was putting on gloves and putting her hands up my privates. I then drifted to sleep.

"W-What's going on?" I asked waking up.

"There was a little problem with the baby but it's resolved now. As long you take your medication the doctor is going to prescribe for you." Zander said standing up next to me and holding my hand.

"I-I have to get out of here. W-What?" I suddenly felt like my air was running out and I just had to get out. I started moving and I took off the blanket that was on me and realised I was in a white hospital dress. I suddenly realised that someone had to change me and I didn't want to know who that was.
"Kayla it's ok. Just rest, ok?" Zander said soothing things in my ear and then I finally realised that Zander was here. He came when I needed him, when the baby needed him. What did this mean? Did this mean he had changed his mind on things? "Look, I'm here because I care about you, but... em.... how do I say this?" He looked like he was lost for words. He gulped than speaked once more. "I care about you but I-I don't care for this baby." He said nervously. "I mean I can't care for this baby."

"What?" I said confused. "This baby is a part of me so if you can't care for it then you don't care about me."

"Look I-" Zander said.

"Just get out. I don't need you here. Where's Hailey? HAILEY!" I yelled. Hailey then came in with coffee in her hand.

"Ya? Oh my God are you ok? I was so worried." She said calming down.

"Ya I'm fine. Get Zander out of her!" I said demandingly.

"Are you su-" She began but I interrupted.

"Yes I'm sure. Get him out of here! NOW!" Suddenly the machine that was monitoring my heart was beeping uncontrollably. A doctor rushed in with a stethoscope around her neck. "What going on?" The doctor asked rushing over to me. Suddenly I was too weak to talk or move. "She freaked out because she wanted this boy to go." Hailey informed the doctor looking concerned.
"Sorry you are going to have to leave." The doctor said to Zander.

Author's Note: Bum bum bum! Is Kayla going to be ok? Have to wait and find out. I will be updating soon.

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