Regret's & Shame

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****10 Years Later***** ****Hailey's PoV****

"Mom! Someone's at the door!" My lazy daughter Arabella shouted from the couch. Sometimes I worried for her health.
I walked to the door, and opened it. "Hello. Can I help you?" I asked a strange lady in a hoodie and baggy pants that looked familiar. "H-hailey?" She asked stuttering. The lady looked quite nervous. Who on earth was she?
"How do you know my name?" This lady looked quite dangerous and bad, I should be ready to call the police if she makes a move.
"Em... I have nowhere to go and was wondering could I stay here.." The lady broke into tears and was now shaking.
"You poor thing. Please come in." I opened the door and helped her to a chair by the kitchen table. She sat down and wiped her tears. And that's when I noticed this lady was filthy and smelled horrendous. "Please have a shower. I have some clothes I could borrow you." I offered.
"Mom-Who's this?" Arabella asked me.
"Sweetie can I talk to you in the living room?" I said to Arabella. "I'll be right back, showers over there." I smiled then scurried into the living room.

"I don't know who she is, but she needs help. And I'm going to help her."
"Why do you always have to help people mom?" Arabella sighed.
"I helped you didn't I?"
"Ya but my birth mom, wasn't very nice. Was she? She left me and my dad doesn't even care for me. Your my only true parent. That's why I can call you mom and not the lady who kept me when I was born."
"Look, your mom wasn't that bad. I say she was troubled. She was trying to figure things out and probably freaked so she left. I'm mad at her, damn right. For leaving such a beautiful kid behind. But we can't stop helping  people anymore." Then I went out to help the lady.

*****Arabella's PoV****

I know my mom was a very kind person. But seriously?! She was leaving a stranger shower in our house. Like seriously?!
Later that night my mom called us all to the living room and we all sat and the lady looked like she had something to say.
"Arabella? You've grown so much." The lady said. I looked at the strange lady who knew my name and Haliey's. This wasn't good.
"How do you know you know my name. Who are you?" I asked now scared and confused.
"Sweet Arabella. I'm Kayla." Why did that name sound familiar? "I'm your birth mom."

Author's Note: Wonder what will happen next? Soon more shall be updated...☺️😄😂

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