“ we will take that way, since we do not know what awaits us by the river.” Said the elf. He seemed to be the leader of the group as he rode in front of everyone else.

As soon as he finished talking the sound of a horn could be heard and yells coming our way. seconds later, 3 dozen orcs surrounded the group, closing all ways of escape.

“ take the princess and run, we will distract them.”

“ but I do not know this way.”

“ she does” was all he said as they all charged towards the orcs. the woman ran as fast as she can, looking at the girl in her arms.

“ show me the way, Arianne”

The little girl looked at her and then smiled turning her head and pointing towards a rock.

The woman started to ran a little faster as she got closer to the rock. An orc came up behind her and knocked her over. the child got fell out of her arms but the woman caught her at the last moment, steadying herself as she ran the other way, away from the rock….

I followed them as she ran towards the woods. There was a light emitting from  a tree.

“ I have to get you out of here.”

The woman said as she slowed down looking at the light. I saw her face concentrate hard on the light. I tried knowing what was going through her mind but I couldn’t understand any of the emotions displayed on her face. I looked at the tree, studying it carefully, feeling that I saw it before. A gush of wind blew causing the leaves to rustle. I smelled the sweetest smell as I saw a figure coming our way. they got closer until they were a few feet away. it was the elf that helped them out. he had a cut on his cheek and his hand was covered with blood, black blood. He looked at the woman searching for any harm done to her or the child in her arms.

“ do you know where that light leads?”

“ no but we have to get her out of here.”

“ we will protect her, now come a dozen or so orcs were after me. I lost them but not for long.”

He held his hand towards the woman and she took it as they both walked through. The orcs reached right as they walked in but that didn’t stop them from following them. You see the orcs were under strict orders to get the little girl back to their master no matter what….

“where are we?”

“ I do not know. But we have to move on”

The elf said.

“ I do not know your name yet my lord.”

“ all is well my lady for we were not in situation that deem it. My name is durion. What is  your name my lady?”

“alanine my lord”

“sinome a' tua lle “ ( I am here to help you)

“lle” ( thank you)

I looked at the man and woman as they made their way towards the nearest source of light. it was a lamp post, I looked around and  I recognized the park next to my house.

“manke ier?” asked durion ( where are we?)

“ I do not know…..”

The rest of his words were drowned as I heard my name being called. It was low at first like someone calling me softly. After a minute the calling started to get louder and louder.

“ lily wake up, the police are here, they want to talk to you..”

I heard kristy say. I looked at the elves in front of me and understood what was going on. The more I looked the face of the lady the more…

“lily come on, you can’t be that much of a deep sleeper all of a sudden”

I felt myself moving away from the tree, away from the elves, away from the ground…

I opened my eyes to stare yet again at kristy as she was standing in my personal space, again.

“ thank god you woke up they are so pissed off because they have been here for the past 2 hours waiting for you. They said that they will not leave that you must be faking this. Lily they think that you have something to do with murdering your parents. I told them everything but they still want to talk to you.” She said all of that in a rush as she helped me out the bed. I don’t know why but I couldn’t move, like all my energy was drained right out of my body. I felt weak and sleep and I just wanted to get back on that bed.

“ did you hear what I just said? Lily you can’t tell them about the orcs they will take you away .  alanine says that they mustn’t know about middle-earth. Last night she told me a lot of stories about her people, the elves, lily elves can you believe that. Wait I think I hear someone coming up the stairs, remember don’t mention the orcs.”

Kristy shut up as soon as the door opened revealing a police officer with a very annoyed scowl on his face. he looked at me with disgust clear in his eyes as he walked over to me.

“ your name is lily?”

He asked

“ yes”

“ where were you last night between the time 12 and 3 in the morning?”

“ I was in my room. I had a fallout with my parents and I was upset so I spent the rest of the evening in my room.”

He looked as if he wanted to clasp those handcuffs on me and be done with it.

“ can you prove it in anyway possible?”

“ no “

“ your gonn ahave to come with us miss.”

I looked at kristy as I saw the look of horror on her face.

“ you can’t take her, she can’t leave this house.”

“ and why is that miss? You hiding something?”

He asked as he started to walk towards kristy.

“ no one is hiding anything here officer.”

I looked towards the doorway and saw  alanine standing there. She looked just like she did in my vision. Not one day older. Behind her stood….. durion. He looked at me and smiled slightly before looking back at the cop in the room.

“ officer I assure you, lily didn’t do anything, but I also know that you have no right to take her without any proof whatsoever.”

Durion walked into the room and put his arm around me.

“ you see the fallout last night was something private but I can tell you that lily has nothing to do with the killings. However, I think you should go and check the house again.”

I looked up at durion noticing that he as well doesn’t look a day older.

The cop didn’t like what was being said but he left. I heard the front door opening and closing and the a car driving away. durion remained beside me, leading me back to the bed.

“ come, ndu tarien” he said ( lay down princess)

“ what did you just say?”

“ kristy I spoke in our tongue, when we go back I will teach you.”

Kristy seemed happy about that but I didn’t understand anything. Where are we going? My dream came back in full force as I remembered the tree….

“uma tarien mani lle  vee' sut lye  sinome” ( yes princess what you saw was how we came here.)

I stared at Durion as he said that. I looked from him to a beaming kristy and next to her was alanine with a sad smile.

“ta coiasira lye auta eska” ( its time to go home)

ok i know im late....very late :( but here is aother chapter. chapter 7 wll be up in a few days:D

im lost in this world ( lord of the rings fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now