Contagious Chemistry

Start from the beginning

At this point James walked in, 'you have to Skype dad like now.' He sounded bossy and angry, so I obeyed him and headed over to the apple computer. I opened up Skype and nearly in a sec I got a call from him. 'Hi, dad' I said it blankly, I haven't seen in two years and he hasn't bothered with me at all, but to be honest I didn't want him to. 'Hi, honey wow have you grown you look just like your mother so beautiful, I'm just calling to tell you on Thursday I'm going to make up for what I did wrong as a parent by giving you an amazing experience. Then when the day is over you will meet me and my girlfriend at the shard and stay the night in a suit there, everything will be free for you as I will be paying for everything.' My eyes widen what? Is this really happening? Are you being serious with me? 'Dad' I was speechless, does he really think a fancy dinner and a surprise will get me to forgive him. 'No, buts!' he said interrupting me, 'oh and you can bring your boyfriend I would love to meet him.' I now had my face in my hands. 'Dad me and Riley broke up' I said in a angry tone, 'No, no not Riley him' he pointed behind me towards Joe, my mouth opened, but before I can say anything else his phone rings and he picks it up. 'Sorry honey, I love you bye!'

I turn off Skype and drag my feet towards the sofa. I face planted it and screamed my anger in to it, I heard chuckles from the boys and I then went through in to my bedroom to get changed as I was still in my PJ's.

Joe's POV

'So... you like my sister' I looked round at James who was questioning me, 'What?' Is it really that obvious? 'Yeah I can tell, you like her, but you've told her about your past and she looks fine with it so yeah.' Was James giving me his blessing? I haven't actually told Verity my past, but as she said if I'm not ready to tell her then I don't have to right? I look at the time and realise I have a meeting in 10 minuets. 'Listen, I have to go I'll see you whenever, yeah? I'm just gonna say goodbye to V,' he nods his head, I open Verity's door and she's changed in her casual clothes. 'I have to go, I just thought I would say goodbye' I lean in a kiss her on her check, she looks shocked as I move away and I left in hurry.

All throughout the meeting all I can think about is Verity, the was she looks, the way she talks and the she walks.I start to wander what she's doing as I get on to the tube, and decide to text as soon as I leave to go to Jim and Tanya's to film and video. As I depart the tube station I take out my and start texting her.

Hey x

Hi Joe, what have you been doing today???xxx

Well I've just had meeting and now I'm walking to Jim and Tanya's to film a video, what about you? xxx

Cool stuff, James an I went to play cricket in the park, then we had lunch in subway and now I'm home alone watching YouTube. xxx

Are you watching me? ;-) xxx

No actually, might do it a minuet though. But I have just discovered that James has a YouTube channel so I thought I would check it out. xxx

Ok, how did you not know your his twin didn't he tell you?xxx

Obviously not Joe?? But after you left he asked me if I wanted to do a twin tag and I was like WTF is that! I don't go online much so I guess that kept me from seeing his channel xxx

Lol. You should definatley do a twin tag! Omg! Idea... You can do who's the better twin! xxx

Yeah sounds fun, I'll talk to James when he gets home about it xxx


I guess so xxx

Thank you! I'm nearly at Jim and Tanya's so I have to say goodbye xxx

Ok bye, can you call me when you get home 'cuz I need to tell you something xxx

Yeah sure anything for you xxx

I realized that last text was a bit cringe, but I got over it. All the time at Jim's I was wandering what she wanted to tell me, was it something about our relationship? Did I do something wrong? Did James tell her about my past? I got home and immediately rung her up.

'HEY!' she shouted down the phone.

'Hi, what was it that you wanted to talk about?' I went straight in to it.

'oh yeah. My dad thinks your my boyfriend and he wants to meet you, I don't have his phone number so I cant ring him and tell him your not my boyfriend so yeah..'

'wait what! You don't have your dads number?'

'Yeah, I don't really want it to be honest, please don't ask. Listen he is going to send you something, don't ask me how he got your address and he wouldn't be happy if I came alone, so...'

'You definitely want me to come then, and meet your dad.'

'Yeah, I need someone there and everything is booked for two the whole day, did I tell you its for a whole day? Oh and it's not just him its one of his latest girlfriends that's coming too.'

'The whole day is fine, and I'll come, do you have any idea what your dad has planned?'

'No I'm guessing that's what we're being sent'

'oh ok, how are you by the way'

'Yeah I'm good James still isn't back yet so I'm really bored'

'I would ask if you would ike to come round and hang out, but Caspars leaving for South Africa in the morning so we're going to have some Jaspar time.'

'Haha, I watched some of your videos with Caspar in them and I almost couldn't breath 'cuz I was laughing so much!'

'Haha, well I have to go Verity, see you whenever I guess. Or hopefully sooner, when's the thing with your dad?'

'Thursday, yeah hopefully, bye Joe' With that the phone call ended.

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