When the Lights go out

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Joe's POV

'Are you okay with me kissing you?' I wanted to make sure that Verity felt okay with me kissing her, I mean I don't mind, James isn't watching so I guess that makes it less awkward. 'yeah, I'm okay with it, but I'm out of the next games as this kinda a dare for me too. It's just a dare, it doesn't mean anything.' She has a point, it is just a dare, it doesn't mean anything. I lean in and our lips touch, shivers go down my spine. The whole world went blank and it was just me and Verity in the room. Our kiss deepens and I raise my hand to cup her face, her skin is soft and the moment becomes more than it should be. We both pull away out of breath and our cheeks flush as we realized that we were being watched. Silence swept the atmosphere.

Everything went dark and the light switches wouldn't work at all, the only lighting was the torches on our phones and the odd lightening bolt flashing across the sky. I realized that we can't actually get out of Verity and James' house as there lock is electric. So we're locked in till morning. 'Looks like you guys are going to have to stay the night' Verity said lighting some candles in the kitchen, which lights her flawless complexion. She catches me staring and her check blush, but my eyes are still locked on her beauty. She looks to the ground blushing even more and I get shoved by Cameron and he gives gives me a weird look. 'What?' I whisper to him, 'what's going on between you and V then? 'he whispers back, my cheeks flush and I look back up to Verity, who is now talking to Callum. 'Nothing mate' he smirks at my comment, 'don't worry mate, I've been there, she's beautiful I know.' My mind fills with curiosity and I give him a confused look, 'throughout secondary school, college V was always the girl that everyone fancied and now look at her. You know no one has ever had the guts to ask her out, but its not because a case of if she says yes or no, it's James that's the problem.' The way Cameron tells me the story about Verity is understandable, yet daunting, when James is noted as the problem why no one has ever had the guts to ask her out, I understand fully. 'Ever since Josh, James has been so protective of V, but I would too if she was my sister. You should of seen James' face when she told him she was in a relationship with Riley, what a fight that was.' He giggled at the memory and I start to wander what this Josh character did to Verity.

Verity's POV

So I'm locked inside my own house with a load of boys that probably snore there heads off. I guess we could stay up all night to avoid being woke up by the noise, but the yawn that has just caused my eyes to feel really heavy says otherwise. 'So where do we sleep?' Asked Callum who is holding a torch to his face, I start to think of the places where the boys could sleep...'The sofa can open up to make at a bed, that can hold two of you. The three futons can hold one each, so that leaves one of you in my my room on the sofa in my bedroom.' The boys look around at themselves and Joe is in a deep conversation with Cameron, as they finish Callum is the first to say 'dibs the pink futon!' he collapsed on the the pink sheets, waiting for the next person to dibs something. 'Dibs the sofa bed!' Jamie and Owen say in unison, the too boys that where left where Joe, Kyle and Cameron. 'I dibs the blue futon!' Shouted Cameron. 'I dibs the purple futon!' Kyle shouted, I peered at Joe who shrugged his shoulder at me, I gestured him to come with me as I walked towards my bedroom, I picked out a duvet and a pillow and placed it on the sofa. I yawned again and I knew I needed to go to bed, I said goodnight to the boys and left the door open a crack for Joe.

Joe's POV

The boy's are getting ready to go to bed and I thought I would do so too. The is open just a crack and as I move it slightly open at bit more, without making a noise something catches my eye. A long mirror was reflecting Verity getting changed, she was in just he bra and pants, they were both black and lacey. Every inch of her was perfect her torso was well toned, her cleavage was perfect, and her hair just trickled down her back in the most seductive way. As she went to undo her bra, I gulped and turned away from her. I stood outside for a good 5 minuets until I went back in and I saw her laying on her bed fast asleep and my heart skipped a beat. I took my top off and put on a pair of James' joggers that Verity had leant me, I climbed under the covers and quietly said goodnight to her.

Verity's POV

'Mum, mum where are you' the train station was packed, but it was all silent, accept a constant whisper that called my name. 'Verity' I ran to my mothers train and there was paramedics and police officers everywhere. 'I'm sorry Verity, I cant do this any more, look after your brother. live your life. Don't let anyone tell you, you cant do anything, because you are the most able person I know. I will always be with you...' The words from the phone call repeated in my head as my eyes filled with tears. 'Mum...Please officer have you seen my mother she left me a voice mail saying that she was going to do something awful and I need to stop her'. The police officer turned around and it was Josh, 'it's all your fault, she died because of you, your the reason she died, she killed herself because of you!' His voice begun to sound harsh and the whole train station went white and Josh was coming towards me with a horrible look in his deep green eyes. All of a sudden I was falling... I screamed as aloud as possible.

I woke up screaming, my breathing deep and fast. I couldn't think straight, I saw Joe who was in shock, I must of scared him when I screamed. 'Are you okay V?' his voice was shaky and worried, he came behind me and hugged me, as let a few tears run down my face. His warm body settled me, his muscular arms cushioned me and a could feel his defined abs down my back. He kept me calm as he stroked my hair, my breathing went back to normal and my eyes started to drift off yet again. I cuddled in to his chest and let myself fall asleep in his arms, he laid back down still holding me and his breathing slowed as he too drifted to sleep. I felt safe in his arms.

AN- Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope you like it so far. The next few chapters are going to be Joe and Verity just getting to know each other as friends, there's going to be a lot of drama coming up so stay tuned, I'm going to be updating every couple of stay seeing I have more time on my hands. Thanks again, Love ya xxxx

Love me more- Joe Sugg/Thatcherjoe FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora