Trying to Forget

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______________________Two Days Later_______________________________

Joe's POV

Its 9 in the morning, I didn't get much sleep at all, because of jet lag yes, but also because of Verity. I can get her out of my thoughts, and I hope today Oli and Caspar are going to change that today. I can't think straight at all. 'Joe!' I am greeted with a loud morning shout from Caspar as I enter the room filled with numerous conversation. I can feel the curiousness in the room build up as I don't reply, I'm too tired right now, I'm too caught up. 'There's no point talking to him, mate. He is too caught up on "airplane girl" Cas' Oli teases me. I give me a stare that the message for him to fuck off. They both giggle at my reaction and I throw a kitchen towel over Oli's head, 'Oi!' A grin begins to widen on my face, with amusement.

' well if your not to busy mopping over "airplane girl" you can come to the club with us tonight and see if you can pull any birds.' The annoying term "airplane girl" makes me twitch and the thought of pulling doesn't seem fun , but I guess it will be good for me to go out with the boys, to try and forget about her. 'Her name is Verity, not "airplane girl" they both ooh at me in a sassy way before laughing. We all begin to eat breakfast quieting down, after deciding that we should have a lads day. I can hear girly screams coming from our neighbor, James' house and I have the idea that I need to forget about Verity, even though every time I try the thoughts just come flooding back.

Verity's POV

'Me and the girls are going out tonight, what are you going to do?' James shrugs at me, but handy twin telepathy helps me to understand that Shannon (his girlfriend) is coming round. I glance down at my phone and realize that the girls are gonna come round soon for our pamper day, James doesn't mind this as we used to live together between the age of 18 and 20 until I moved in with Riley a year ago. We were split up as kids when are parents divorced, mum and I went to Thailand and Malaysia and James and dad went to the States and Bath. We finally decided to move back to the UK when mum died, but dad couldn't cope with two of us, so he bought us a flat in London. This actual one that we're in right now. Everything got complicated between dad and I after that.

I hear a knock on the door and my excitement builds as I open it to smiling faces. Happy dances and exciting screams where exchanged and a few strange looks from strangers where applied. Sue is the first to hug me; he hair is long a shiny, her blue eyes hold an emotion of love and excitement. Liz is the next; I have missed her brightly colored clothes and wise looks that give me a sence of peace, as I embrace her. Phoebe soon after attack me with her open arms, she has her hair in a neat messy bun and her makeup done to perfection. The twins Tracy and Chelsea throw there arms around me cradling me, there same looks makes me thankful that my twin is a boy, but they also make make me feel at home.

It is 15:15 and we're all wearing green avocado facial mask and wearing our Primark PJ's and you'll never guess where we are! In the middle of Tesco. I have been sent to the movie section, cuz I'm too healthy to choose the sweets, but I'm good at picking a movie. I quickly select, the fault in our stars and Paddington, so we can have a laugh and a cry and maybe a bit of both.

As I make my way back to the sweet section, a flicker of embarrassment floods over me like tidal wave. I'm frozen still as Joe is standing down one of the aisles. I quickly remove myself from this position of pure embarrassment, fortunately he didn't see me so that's a bonus. I notice that phoebe is chatting to Ollie about something? Joe looks like he is listening in, it looks like phoebe is setting blind dates that's what she does, as she is the only that is married out of all of us. I see Joe and Caspar walking away and I move so my back is pressed against the end of the aisle, crushing the crisps that cushion me slightly.

Joe's POV

Caspar, Oli and I are in Tesco looking for some food and booze, as we don't have much. We can hear girly giggles from a group of girls in the PJ's down the sweet aisle, so we go to have a nosy. There are about five girl taking selfies holding a bag of marshmallows up to the camera, they're all pulling funny faces at the camera. Unfortunately this makes me think of the selfies me and verity took on the plane, my head looks to the ground in disappointment that none of the girls even look like they could be Verity.

I strain my ears to hear Oli the love master setting me and him up on a blind date with the girl with the vibrant red hair. All I know is that she's just got out of a relationship and needs some cheering up. Two of the girls go off to find something or someone when I make my way down the next aisle, I shove off when I hear them talking to someone but I can't her the other girls voice. I stop listening in when we get the last thing and Oli finishes chatting up the girls, normally I would be with him, flirting with them.

We leave Tesco and put everything away, then Caspar decides he wants to go and see the terminator, as we missed the premier. Ollie is calling calfrezzy, Will and Joe wellar, asking if they want to come to the club tonight. They all say yes as soon as Olisays to them that he has fixed them up with girls. I quickly film my main channel video before going then hurry myself to get out the house.

Verity's POV

So, lesson one: never leave your house in your PJ's and a facial mask, because you might end up in the same shop as your new love interest. Lesson 2: don't panic if your love interest is coming towards you and end up bruising your back 'cuz you hide in between two 3ft shelves. Lesson 3: try to stop your friends from setting you up on a blind date, don't just stare at it happening! Turns out my blind isn't Joe, its someone else's called Joe. When I find that sue has Joe as a blind date my eyes only see green, in jealousy. I just hope Joe wellar isn't ugly, that's all I can say. Liz is going on a blind date with Will darbishire, Tracy is going with Ollie and Chelsea is with calfrezzy, what sort of name is that! Well they seem to be more excited than me, to be honest I'm dreading it!

We're watching the fault in the stars and I think we're all thankful that we haven't put our makeup on yet. I think our main mistake is watching Paddington first, if we had watched it last it would have cheered us up. After the tissues are nearly finished, James leaves to go to Shannon's, there going out for dinner, I can tell as he look smarter than usual. We decide to do a catwalk of our dresses, we used to do this in college when we would go out. We basically bring about 2 or 3 dresses to try on and then do a catwalk then the girls pick which one you should wear.

Everyone looks stunning in there dresses I don't know if I can go out with them as I'll probably look odd, not because I'm the shortest, but because my dresses aren't like theirs. Its my turn, I pick up my first dress, which is a red cocktail dress that shows off my curves. I walk out a and get mixed emotions and soon see that I won't be wearing this one. My next dress is a black plain dress that has a v neck and flairs out, automatically I get comments like 'funeral dress' thrown at me by all the girls. My final outfit is a jumpsuit flatters my breasts and figure. Its white with baggy sleeves, a big v neck, a gold belt . my legs aren't very long so that's the only thing that I would say didn't look right, but I have some white heels from new year that would go with it. I have now got the full outfit on, accessories in all. I step out and gasps fill the room, followed by complimenting eepps.

Joe's POV

All the boys are here and we're basically just chatting about random stuff. Ollie brings up Verity; but again he calls her 'airplane girl' they all laugh at his comment about how I need to pull to take my mind off of her. To be honest right now they are not succeeding in taking my mind off of her. This is stupid, I get caught up on someone too easily, I always do and I always end up getting my heart broken because of it.

Love me more- Joe Sugg/Thatcherjoe FanFictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu