The Popular Girl

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Sorry for my mistakes in my writing!


"Hey Ariel! Where did you get that purse? I love it!" I random girl shouted through the insane hallway. Simon Hallway, or as they say SH, is the intersection between the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior hallways. It's a mad house here.

"Oh this is actually a purse that my parent's company made! My parents co-workers wanted to see if it's durable so they asked me to test it out. I love it so far." I tell the girl as if I'm doing an advertisement for a company. I gotta do it for my parents anyway. I rush straight to my locker while smiling at everyone in the hallway. I give the boys a wink and my classic smile and the girls, well, a smile is all it takes to take there heart away in an instant. It's all part of charisma my parents say.

I go start to Room 125, aka Language Arts. 5th period is always the busiest time of the school day so the teachers don't mind it if we are like a minute late. I run towards the run while pushing my purse to my shoulder. It's really hard to do that simultaneously without your purse falling or you tripping.

I arrive to the room with almost everyone there. 'Of course.' I think to my head. 'they are geeks for a reason.' Surprisingly, I'm in advanced Language Arts. And Math. That's weird right? Usually the popular kid is never in advanced classes. Guess what?! I made history.

I sit in the second to last row and plop my purse on the desk. I get out my notebook and my pencil and look toward the board. 'Write a page about yourself.' That's not too hard. I've done worse. I start writing about where, when, I was born and basically my life. By the time I was talking about when I was five years old, I surpassed 2 pages.

"Ok class," We all turn our heads toward Mrs. Kosen and direct our undivided attention to her. "we have a new student in our classroom today and I would like for all of you to be kind to him. He is actually from England so he has a british accent." Mrs. Kosen turn her eyes towards the doors and tells him to come in. He walks in and we all moves our eyes as he moves. He turns to the center. I move a litter closer to my seat and brush my black hair back.

"Hullo everyone!" He says in a cute british accent. "my name is Darcy! I was born in London and I really like making people laugh. It has always been a thing that I like since I was born." He smiled and I instantly blushed. This guy is insanely cute and his accent is adorable. I look at him a little closer and I notice his eyes first. It's a crystal clear ocean blue that looks so calming. I then notice his amazing hair and how it's kept up like that. 'None of the boys that I've known before have hair like that.' I thought. Lastly, I see his smile. A smile that can win over people's heart. A smile that can cure depression. A smile that could possible cure anxiety.

"Nice knowing you Darcy!" Mrs. Kosen starts looking all over the room and directs her eyes towards the desk right next to me. "Mr. Dracy," She says pointing right next to my desk, "go sit over there next to Ms. Fox please." He gladly nods and heads towards me. I instantly start getting butterflies in my stomach and my stomach is churning. Ugh, why does this new boy have to be so hot.

He plops down in the seat right next to me and waves with a smile. I give him my 'nice to meet you' smile and wave back. We instantly look back at Mrs. Kosen and listen to her instructions.

"Today is finally the day in which we are doing our book report project. You required to work with a partner but it has to be with your elbow partner." Everyone groans including me. But on the inside, I feel giddy like my heart is about to explode. "You are allowed to pick the book that you want and you are suppose to create a report that is 10 pages long about the book. The good thing is that your partner and you are allowed to work on the same book report so it will very simple. The project is due in a month. If I were you, I would get a book that is around both of your ranges and see what interest you to make this project fun. Good luck and get to work."

The class explodes with chatter while I sit there speechless. I've never felt this way for a guy before. I mean, the football team is cute but I've never been into jocks. I've always been a fan of gentleman, a man you can treat a girl right. A boy who will make me laugh until I fall off my chair. And I really liked British boys to be honest.

"So Ariel..." I instantly get out of my day dream and turn to took at him smirking. Umm what? "What book would you like to read?" I smile back at him and think.

"I've read a lot of books a lot of life so let's see what you got Mr. Darcy." I smirk at him and he laughs. His laughs are sweet and gentle. I'm starting to fall for him even more.

"A little fiesty I see Ariel," He mocklingly snaps back. "Well I've probably read a lot more books than you s-"

"Wait hold up Mr. Darcy," I laugh a little "You think you've read more books than me. P-lease." We both laugh.

"Anyway, what book should we read?" I finally ask when we settle down.

"I really don't know, there is a lot of books that I've already read."

'Same here."

We sit there in silence and wait.

"Aha! I got it!" Darcy exclaim with one of his fingers in the air as if he taught of a new invention.

"What is it!"

"Looking for Alaska By John Green."

"That's perfect Mr. Darcy! I say. This time with true genuine.


"So it's a date?"

"What do you mean I date?" I ask, panicking.

He giggles and looks deep inside my green eyes. "I mean a book date. Or a study date. You know what I mean. What time do you want me to come over?" I blush and the butterflies in my stomach rises.

"Umm..." I put my hand on my chin. "Around five o'clock Mr. Darcy." I start writing my address on a piece of paper and I hand it to him. He smirks and salutes me. "See you around five Ms. Ariel."


Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for not posting in a while!

I promise I won't do it again!!!

See you later guys!!!!!


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