CHAPTER 21 - Powerless

Start from the beginning

"Wait," Alexander interrupted, "are you saying all someone has to do is blind the protogenoi and their parents then Darkness wins?"

Arianne shoved him gently with her shoulder, "No. You of all people should know by now that sight goes beyond what we physically see. Think of a God's omniscience, which would be true sight. The concept of that sight is how Light came about."

"Yes," Lucifer continued, "and at the time both Dark and Light were naught but mere concepts, perceptions of spaces seen and unseen. It was the loss of a Protogenoi that caused Dark and Light to become entities. The loss led to the Universe questioning itself: What is the purpose of Light if the grandchild could not be found; what is the purpose of Darkness if the grandchild continues to be unseen? Perhaps the Dark itself hid the young Protogenoi within itself, no one knows. But the loss is what led to the separation of Dark and Light from the Universe."

"So in a way the Universe was schizo." Shift joked, but Lucifer did not see it was a joke.

"In a way, yes." Lucifer agreed, "But do you see now, why neither Dennis nor Alexander stand a chance? Dark and Light are in the same class as the Universe itself. Consider them as a Trinity."

The ruffle of wings was followed by an ethereal female voice as the three angels and three women appeared before the companions, "It is for that reason alone that we will help you, Harbinger."

The angels, of course, were Gabriel, Michael and Leliel. The women however, were triplets whose only distinguishing features were the colors of their dresses, hairs, and eyes. Their colors were blue, yellow, and red. It was the woman who wore a yellow dress, had blonde hair and golden eyes, who had spoken, "Lucifer, though we are not pleased with the methods of your pursuit for us over the last few millennia, it is a comfort to learn that the Lights' bearer is still for the Light." Now that she had materialized, her voice sounded firm and sure. This was a woman who knew exactly what she was doing and why.

"Always." Lucifer tilted his head in respect then stood when everyone else did, "It is good that you have agreed to give us aid. I must admit, I was not aware you had physical forms. I assumed we would have to rendezvous with each of your hosts."

A neon pink glow emanated from Leliel before a fourth woman identical to the others stepped out of her as though she were a doorway. This one wore a pink dress, had pink hair, and eyes that glistened like crystallized pink lemonade. "Of course we have physical forms." Her voice sweet, the kind that made you feel safe and like you were talking to someone you could trust implicitly, "We also have names too, I'm Helen. Yep, from Troy, seems to be the only name anyone remembers me from anyway."

"Hippolyta." The golden-eyed lady spoke, confirming Alexander's suspicion that she was the Essence of Conviction, "Still the Queen of the Amazons but also founder of the Dh'Arch Angels."

The ruby-eyed woman stepped up to Shift and –to the surprise of everyone, and the concealed irk of Kryssana- curtsied a little too low while she kept eye contact with him, "Keisha. Not as openly famous as my sisters but I am unforgettable." She winked just as the blue-eyed woman cleared her throat to speak.

"So many names, so many forms, and yet there are never enough achievements. The greatest achievements however are the ones no one knows of: The women who made the men what they are known for. Thus my first names may not be known, but my family ones rightly so. I have been nine First Ladies, fifty-three counselors and advisors, and twice the cause of pride that led to great victories. For now, you may call me Ms. Tanya Shirley."

"No way." Alexander looked at her closer but could not see who the woman claimed to be. For a brief moment the woman changed into the familiar form of a lady who once taught Alexander's poetry classes during his brief time in university, short curly hair and all. She smiled at him before she changed back to the identical form of her sisters. As realization dawned on him, Alexander asked, "But why a poetry teacher?"

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