CHAPTER 11 -Damned Fate

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"What took you so long?!" Pyro was the first to notice the appearance of Alexander, Seth and four strangers.

"What do you mean?" Alexander asked as they approached Pyro and the others, who apparently were having a late dinner, as though they never moved from where Alexander and Seth had left them.

"Well it's not like anyone knew where you went or how long you'd be gone." Marius explained.

"And while you were off doing only the Gods know what," Saiyan added, "We all gained some new tricks."

"Oh yeah," Sapphira began, "like I had no idea I could turn anything into water. All I've got to do is break down its molecular structure in my mind and disperse the molecules into..."

"So where did you guys go?" James interrupted.

"To help Alexander understand his abilities." Seth replied.

"What's with the backup then?" Pyro asked.

"Yeah," Alexander agreed, turning to Seth, "all you told me was that they're important."

Seth shook his head, "Have you not learned to pay attention yet Alexander?" He then gestured towards each of the four strangers, "Nexus, the once heir to one of history's greatest nations, has had personal experience with The Whisperers. Dennis is the only being to ever figure out the Order of Placement in the Universe. That means he can find a way to get us to The Whisperers before they get to us. Kryssana is the current form of Shiva, Hindu Goddess of Destruction."

"That's right," Kryss added, "so if anyone's gonna wreak havoc it's me, not the seven evil dwarves."

"And Shift here," Seth continued, "is the only neutral Speed Demon, so he remains constantly off everyone's grid."

"You found him." Alexander commended.

But Seth countered saying, "That's because the first time we met I ensured I could find him again."

"Yeah," said Shift, "and you've been a thorn in my sole that refuses to be removed. If we make it outa this, do me a favor and shove off mate!"

"Not gonna happen." Seth turned to Solomon and Galicia, "Shouldn't everyone be outside by the way?"

"Aye," Solomon agreed, "But there's no good in rushing off to war on an empty stomach, old friend."

"Not that it matters." The voice that spoke came from the right side of the room, and as everyone turned to that direction, seven beings appeared. It was the same voice that had spoken in Alexander's mind earlier.

They all looked identical. But for the fact that there were four males and three females, the only difference was the color each being's hair matched by their clothes. They seemed almost uniformed. The female on the farthest left had blue hair, the male beside her had green hair, beside him was a woman with red hair, the guy in the middle had black hair with white highlights, on his left was a female with jet-black hair and black make-up, whilst the guy beside her had white hair and the female beside him had shocking blonde hair. Their clothes looked like ancient robes cut to give off a modern appeal.

The guy in the middle spoke again, "It's so nice to see you all gathered here in our honor, so ready to die horribly tragic deaths."

"Synner!"Nexus rushed forward to attack but was held halfway be a force that then threw him backwards up against the other wall and held him up there.

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