Shamus slowly nodded. "This conversation stays between us. Whatever is said in this room stays in this room."

"Yes Alpha," his beta and delta said in unison.

"Get some sleep. I have a feeling it's going to be hectic tomorrow when they get here."

With that, Shamus headed out the gym and up to his room.

~ [  ] ~

As Eliza got up to the house and entered, everyone went quiet. And all eyes were on her and the rogues that followed her into the house. She headed up the stairs to where the meeting was being held. Her men entered and stood off to one side of the room and the actual pack members stood on the other side. The tension in the room already gave her a clear message.

"Eliza," Alpha Yale stood from his chair and walked towards her. "Welcome back to Blood Rose territory, warrior."

She stared up at him with her still amber eyes. He looked back confused. "What happened?"

Just when he asked, the five members walked in. Eliza's men dropped Brandon to the ground before him and walked to stand off to the side with the rest. Alpha Yale growled, "Brandon..." The five lowered their heads and apologized for being late. Alpha Yale looked over to Abigail and hardened his stare. "Abigail! Is this your doing?"

She quickly shook her head, "No Alpha. He....he thought he could take Eliza on."

He took a step forward and looked at each and every one of them then landed his eyes back on her. "I expected more from you. You wanted to have this meeting and yet you're playing around like a five-year-old child! And look what are you wearing! Inappropriate attire! This is a pack meeting, not a place to show off your body!" He scolded her.

Rosa rushed over to her side and bowed her heads. "I'm sorry, Alpha. Please forgive me for not teaching her right," Rosa apologized.

Abigail sniffled and leaned into Noah more as he tightened his grip. Alpha Yale glared at them angrily. "The one who needs to apologize is not you Rosa. Back down." He demanded with so much authority, the mother whimpered and did as told.

Luna Deanna came over and held his arm. "Yale, calm down. You're scaring everybody."

He tugged his arm away and glared deadly down at his mate. "Don't you even dare side with them, mate! The meeting hasn't even started, they had just arrived on territory and they have already disrespected and humiliated me in front of everybody here! Not to mention also that she," Alpha pointed to Abigail making her whimper, "wanted to have this meeting and look at her!"

Every pack member lowered their eyes as Eliza's men stood there looking to one another and observing the reaction of the pack members.

"She wears clothes that just shouts for trouble!"

Luna backed away scared and with watered eyes. "I am your equal! You shall treat me as so. And as for the girl, she can wear whatever she pleases! Who are you to judge and tell her what she should or shouldn't wear?!" Luna Deanna screamed back.

The Alpha's eyes blackened, and his body shook. "You are not my equal if you keep siding with others rather than with your mate. Now I suggest you back down too before I do something you'll regret," he threatened. He took a step forward imitating his threat. Everybody stared in horror and gulped down their protest.


No one talked. No one moved. The only thing that was heard was the heavy breathing from the Alpha. Then suddenly a hard slap was heard. Eliza's head snapped to the right and her men tensed up and growled. Dara shot up from where she sat and rushed over to her sister and slapped her in return. Rosa's hand slowly went up and touched her burning cheek. She looked at Dara with shock.

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