I placed my hand on his mouth. "You can stop there," I told him sternly. "Don't speak so highly of yourself." I said, and I felt Harry licking the inside of my hand suddenly. I squealed and pulled my hand away out of a reflex. "Why did you do that?!" I questioned while wiping my hand off his blouse.

"You didn't let me finish," He answered while shrugging nonchalantly.

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself off the kitchen counter. "Then continue," My hands were behind my back while I wandered around the kitchen.

Harry washed his hands - which were covered in Nutella - while he continued his story. "And because I own all of that, I need to keep it in tact. That means finishing deals, even if they are the worst. Also, it's a good thing now and then; getting out of Los Angeles and seeing different places."

I bit on my bottom lip while I approached Harry silently from behind. He was so caught up in explaining to me why he couldn't leave Florida, even though it was terrible. I tapped carefully on his shoulder, and nerves were building up in my body. I wished this was going the right way, otherwise I failed miserably. I knew this was going to end badly, after all.

Harry turned around, since he was basically curious by my sudden tapping. His features were so innocent, and he was actually wondering what I was doing or what I could say, that it was even more hilarious - yet dangerous - to spray some whipped cream right into his face.

I was laughing while I covered Harry in whipped cream after he just cleaned his dirty hands. Slowly but surely, I saw Harry realizing what was happening. The aerosol wasn't entirely full, so when I noticed there wasn't coming some whipped cream out of it anymore; I stiffened. I tried again and again to get some whipped cream out of it, but it was completely empty. I dropped the aerosol on the ground in panic.

"Please don't hurt me," I beamed and immediately ran off.

I could hear Harry running after me, and I panicked. I never - in my entire life - ran so fast through a house. My short legs - if I compared them to Harry's - were getting number by the second as I ran around. I screamed for help but since Harry's neighbours lived too far away, I was outstandingly helpless.

I peeked a few times over my shoulder to watch Harry, but it wasn't a smart idea since I laughed each time. His hair, shirt, pants, and face were covered in the whipped cream. His hands have been trying to wipe everything out of his vision and face; but with the speed he ran after me it was sure the wind blew the whipped cream away.

Thank God, I wasn't wearing my heels right now. Even so, it became harder every second to run around in this dress and escape from the whipped cream monster behind me. While I ran, I tried to pull the zipper down and step out of the dress. Since I sprinted for the last bit, Harry was quite far behind me. I liked to be this playful with Harry.

I threw the dress on one of the chairs outside, and jumped into the pool he owned. As I swam back up, I inhaled instantly fresh oxygen. I went with my hands through my wet hair, and looked at Harry who had caught up and stared at me from the side of the pool.

I grinned brightly at him.

"Oops," I spoke.

He stood there with a smug expression, and saw him slowly opening his shirt. I swallowed the lump in my throat when I noticed what he was planning to do. His tattoos became visible by the time he let the shirt fall to the ground. He stepped out of his Clarks, and opened his pants. He was standing in boxer, and he jumped inside the pool.

Because of his height, he was able to stand in the pool. I quickly backed up against the wall, and knew I was weak. The whipped cream was off his face by the fact he went underwater. I did prefer him without at the end.

Lush Corruption  | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 2  ✓Where stories live. Discover now