"You will tell me where he is! Right now!" Morgana screamed bringing the whip down with a flick of her wrist, it happened multiple more times and Merlin screamed out in pain before falling into oblivion.

*With the Knights of Camelot*

Arthur sat near the fire with his head in his hands, he felt tears in his eyes feeling guilty and responsible for what happened to Merlin. He knew that if any thing were to happen to Merlin it would be his fault, it was his fault that he was there, he had forced Merlin on this trip. Lancelot was on watch but he was suppose to have woke Percival about two hours ago. Arthur had known Lancelot wouldn't wake Percival, he was too worried about Merlin.

"Sire," Lancelot said softly "are you awake?" Arthur, not trusting his voice, raised his head and nodded. The King went to the knight and plopped down next to him. He seemed to be distracted and kept losing focus, probably thinking about how much trouble Merlin could be in.

*With Merlin*

"Rise and shine Merlin. Ready for the whip or will you spill every thing about Arthur?" The witch asked as she levitated the whip above Merlin's back, who closed his eyes tightly before reopening them to face the witch before shaking hus head.

"I won't spill anything about Arthur or Camelot and you know it." Merlin whimpered, as the whip cracked on his back. The cell door opened and Morgause came in.

"Hello sister, oh isn't it wonderful!? How weak he is." Morgana laughed, a sound that grated on Merlin's nerves. The whip cracked against his back over and over again and Merlin did nothing to try to conceal the screams of pain.

*With the Knights*

"Get Up!" Arthur called and all the knights got up, at first it felt like a normal trip but of course it wasn't. The Knights instantly remembered what had happened the night before, the way their friend was missing and who's hands he was in.

"You didn't wake me." Percival said to Lancelot accusingly.

"We set out for Cenred's Kingdom right after breakfast, today we will find Merlin, and we will bring him back home and we will return to Camelot alive and with out friend. Now eat, you'll need your strength." Arthur orders as Lancelot and him began to saddle the horses. The knights ate quickly and quietly. They would bring Merlin home, even if it killed them.

*After Knight's breakfast*

Leon extinguishes the fire and the Knights set off for Cenred's kingdom. The ride was mostly silent, except for Gwaine and his tavern stories who was trying and failing to lighten the mood; all the knights to afraid to admit what danger their friend might be in.

"We'll find him, you know that right?" Elyan said after an hour or so of silence.

"Merlin's strong but who knows what Morgana or Morgause might do to him." Lancelot cut in.

"I know we'll find him and that he's strong but I'm mostly worried about the condition he might be in. What if we're to late, what if he's..." Arthur whispered, not quite able to say dead, he refused to believe his friends dead.

"No, he's not dead." Lancelot snapped.

"Ya, he can't be. He's Merlin. He rides into battle without any armor." Gwaine whispers.

*The knights at Cenred's kingdom*

"Lancelot and I will go and find Merlin, the rest of you distract the guards, don't let any of them sound a warning bell." Arthur commands before ducking into the castle dungeon.

"Well let's not stand here like a bunch of sissies, let's go distract some guards." Gwaine cheered, the rest of the knights looked at him before following.

*With Merlin*

"Come along sister, we must eat." Morgause said as she led Morgana out of the cell.

"Fine." Morgana said before sending a glare at Merlin.

"Merlin..." Arthur whispered, which made Merlin flinch. Arthur growled at that movement, he would make Morgana pay. Lancelot stepped forward and picked the lock with his dagger.

"Merlin, we need to go. Now, come on." Lancelot said gently laying the younger boys arms around his shoulder and Arthur took the other arm. They gently pull him out of the castle and back to the knights. All of the knights got on their horses, Merlin sharing a horse with Arthur, who had to keep him up right. After about 30 minutes of riding they stop and check over Merlin, bandaging all the whip markings across his back. None of the knights said anything.

"Arthur...Gwaine...Lancelot." Merlin mutter looking at the knights surrounding him.

"Where am I?" He said looking at his unfamiliar surroundings. "What's going on?"

"You're alright Merlin. Your fine, we won't let anything or anyone get to you. Go to sleep." Arthur whispered to his best friend, before the servant fell into darkness, this time peaceful. Arthur smiled softly, before taking his cloak and wrapping it around the young boy. Gwaine and Lancelot smiled, knowing that if something happened to them that Arthur would always be there for Merlin.

A/N Please, please send in some requests, I'm running out of ideas. Please I don't want to discontinue this story but I need ideas! Thanks.

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