Chapter 12

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Brandon's POV
I'm so excited, this will be so hilarious, finally Brooke and her friends will get what they deserved.

*The Next Day*

Zack's POV

"YASS! Finally our revenge is here!" Brandon said while he walked around the boys' lounge. tbh I don't think we should take revenge against those girls! I mean this could be the start of a huge rivalry between girls and boys!
"Ok guys let's move to the girls' rooms.." Brandon said while all of us followed him.

Nick's POV

We followed Brandon until we get to the girls rooms, while we hold 6 buckets of water, "Ok Nick, Josh, knock the doors!" Brandon whispered *knocked the door* then Kendall, Brooke, Maddie, Chloe, Paige, and Mackenzie opened their doors, then all of us threw them the buckets of cold water "Why did you do this?" Kendall said "This is our revenge!" Brandon said. I was really embarrassed because Kendall is really cute and I didn't want her to get mad at me!

Gino's POV
I can't believe Brandon convinced us to do this! Now Maddie hated me! "Jerks! You will pay for this!!" Maddie said "I'm sorry!" I said then I ran away to my room.

Maddie's POV

After taking a shower (another ) we all head up to our classes, "I can't believe that Zack did that!" Paige said "Yeah I can't believe that Nick did that too!" Kendall said, then we all keep talking about the... ugh boys, when we looked at the "populars" (Nia,Jojo and Kalani) "well, well, well! Look girls the loser's club!" Nia said while her friends giggles "We heard about the little prank!" Jojo said "W-what prank?" Brooke said nervous "You know... The boys' prank.." Nia said. Then the three of them start teasing us when..
"Hey leave them alone!" Brandon yelled at them with all of his friends "Don't tell me what to do!" Nia said "And why you don't want them to be teased! I thought you hated them?" Kalani said "because um... They are... OUR GIRLFRIENDS!" Brandon yelled, "WHAT!!??" Everyone yelled...

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