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By Nicole N. Gabor

The protagonist in my teen novel Catwalk is named Catherine, a.k.a. "Cat." Cat chooses a path in life for which there are no road maps. After graduating high school, she opts out of an ivy-league education, leaving her sheltered suburban life, and heads to New York City to become a fashion model. As Cat navigates this new -- and often dangerous – world, she takes some missteps before finding her way.

For me, the title "Cat-walk" is a perfect fit: It's about Cat's path, and the steps she takes to reach her goals, but it's also about runway modeling. This title seems so obvious (so simple!) now, but it took me a while to get it. As a writer, it's sometimes hard to title your own work because you're so used to being "in the weeds" with plotting, character development, and other details. It's hard to step away and get a birds-eye view. While writing, I needed to take time off from the story and come back later to look at it with fresh eyes.

Below are some other title contenders. Did I choose wisely?

• Suddenly Famous: My life as a Top Teen Model

• Haute Girl

• Wallflower on the Runway

A/N: Such a great example of the power of perspective! I'm really enjoying reading CATWALK by nngabor and think she chose her title wisely. If you agree, please vote with that star and head to her profile in the dedication to read on.

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