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By Denmark Harris

Originally, The Girl Who Wished To Be Skinny was meant to be a rather simple title which doesn't have any underlying message to it. The novel is about a girl who wishes to be skinny and so the title was only fitting. However, when I rewrote my novel, I thought of giving the title a new meaning. In the novel, Megan paints a portrait of herself as she appeared as a skinny girl. So I thought why not have her title her painting, 'The Girl Who Wished To Be Skinny,' because the girl in her painting is someone she longs to be in the end. So the title comes from a painting Megan creates. The meaning is only fitting considering art is a big theme featured throughout the novel.

A/N: If you like the title, be sure to click the star! I really enjoyed reading THE GIRL WHO WISHED TO BE SKINNY by Denmark Harris, and recently he's polished it all up for the #Wattys2015. Head on over to his profile in the dedication and check it out.

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