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By @LynnS13

The original title to my novel was going to be A Fairy Circle. However, the more I looked at it, the more it related to something fun; like a memory of childhood or a conventional tale.

I wanted my fairies to be less generous and more agressive, with a level of evil that rivals vampires. (Mine is a vampire novel with fairies as antagonists).

So, somewhere along the way, I decided a child was to unknowingly open a portal to these beings, creating a place in which they could take hold. It is said that fairies have camps: the Seelie Court is benevolent, the Court of the Unseelie... Well those are the ones you'll find in my story.

A/N: What a fascinating title. I love that A COURT FOR FAIRIES by LynnS13 doesn't involve the sweet innocent little ones that write notes to children. If you like the title, please vote by clicking the star, and check out the story by connecting with Lynn in the dedication.

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