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By Lina Hanson

Would 'Cursed Times' be a different story if it had been published under its working title, 'Out of Time'?

Probably not.

Still, when checking, I found not only was the working title used a lot, it was also used for the 'wrong' type of story. 'Cursed Times' is not about time travel. Instead, it is a cross-genre paranormal adventure featuring ancient Egyptian history, mythology - and humour.

So, I had to find an alternative, a catchy and unique label which could also carry at least a trilogy.

The story is set in modern times - as well as in an alternative, 5000-year old civilisation. The magical system is heavy on the spells and curses. Unsurprising, I would say... .

'Cursed Times' indeed!

Next, I had to find fitting subtitles for the individual books in the series. Again, the setting played a key role for my decision.

'What Now?' mainly takes place in the modern world. One of my characters also uses the expression in desperation at a point where things get - rather hairy. Or more hairy than usual.

'Only Yesterday' unsurprisingly to a large degree is set in a parallel past. The third title, well it will be revealed in time, and no, it will not play in the future.

A/N: If you like the title, be sure to click the star! I've started reading CURSED TIMES by Lina Hanson and she deftly manages to balance travel hell with humor as the intensity of the story builds. Head on over to her profile in the dedication and check it out.

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