{Chapter 19}

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"Death." The word sent a chill down my spine. "What do you mean he's coming?" A loud rumble with a growl shook the black room.

Jack grabbed my hand, he started running pulling me along. "If death finds out that a living human is amongst the further he will turn you into a corpse... into something like me..."

I stopped him and slung my arms over his brod shoulders. "Than we can be together..." His voice was low and husky,I removed my arms from him. "Jack your frightening me..." He looked down at his fet and a dark chuckle escaped his grey lips.

"Good." He pulled out a sharp dagger and walked towards me, I gasped and started running as fast as I could. A soft gentle Voice made me stop, " Thats not your Jack anymore. "

I turned around to see a familiar woman standing before me. "Mom?" I walked over to her, she opened her arms. Jack colapses, panting. I ignore and walk into my mothers warm arms.

Her arms moved there way to my neck, she quickly pressed onto my neck. Choking me,"S-stop." I pleaded,"Never look into the eyes of death."

I blacked out...

I woke up chained to a white tile floor, it had dried blood and smelled like horror. There was a long metal table, with tools and sharp objects. I whimpered in fear,"I scooted as far as the chain would go. I stumbled upon a person,"Hello? P-please, how do I get out of this place?"

I grabbed a lit candle that was behind me,I screetched in fear. It was Jack, "Baby..." I cried in despair, "Get me out!!" A dark shadow approached, "Child. Let me help you." The shadow unchained my ankle,"Wh-what do you want with me?"

"Well... I am death, I give you two choices." "What are the choices?" It chuckled as a black hand almost like smoke grabbed my wrist, pulling me up. "Number one,kill you instantly, number two. I can show you....something." His words intrigued me,"Go on..." I lagged.

"I heard you're wish. I can show you what it would be like if it were you...and not young Jack." "Yo-you can?" It nodded and once again held its hand out for me, I took it and we vanished. We appeared in what looked like the underworld?

"Now..." it said as it rested in a chair of dead bodies, "Kneel." He commanded, suddenly I was forced to the black ground. More black smoke moved its way to my eyes, I screamed in agony. "Aghhga!!!!!"

Jack's POV

"Why her... she didn't deserve it." I reapeted in my head, I walked over to her still and cold body.

Time skip.

"You can allow me to see (Y.N ) again?" "Well sort of..." The black shadow spoke, he moved like smoke. "I can give you two choices. One, instant death. Two, I can show you what it would be like if it were you. " I froze for a moment, if I die I could be with (Y.N )...

Normal POV.

It ended, and my shaky legs dropped to the ground. As I panted I sadly spoke to the shadow,"So either way..*pant* Jack dies?" It nodded.

"May I leave now?" It nodded and snapped its fingers, I woke up on a grassy surface. The tree where Jack and I had a first date, and where we killed hoodie...

I didn't cry, nor get up. Just sat there, I nuzzled in the soft green grass. Only thinking of my Jack,"I love you."

Alright im gonna end that chapter here, don't worry still more to come ;) ok vote, comments, add to your library and or reading list. bye-bye.

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