{Chapter 9} Intertwined

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We were gazing into each others eyes. "I-I think our souls are intertwined." I tilted my head to the side as I sat up,I held my knees as I faced him. "What do you mean?" "Uh well I am not really sure but I-I-I love you."

Pink flushed across my face,I tightly hugged him before he stood up. He reached out a hand and helped me up, I dusted off and walked to the kitchen. Since I had training in the morning I grabbed a glass of orange juice with high pulp.
"(Y/N) Slenderman wants you to be in bed by 9:20 for training." "We get earlier curfews? That is not fair." Toby shrugged and took my orange juice as he ran upstairs, I frowned as I chased after him. "I NEED MA JOOCE MAN!"

It was 9:05 and me and Jack were sitting in the den playing foosball. "Hehe got ya." He said while deviously smiling,"Oh yeah?" I quickly spun a a stick, flinging the ball around the table. "Dang girl." He said,he high fives me and gave me a peck on the cheek. I smiled as I reset the table, "Round two buddy!" He laughed as he slipped off his mask,he rubbed his eyes and gripped two of the sticks,"ok but after this I'm going to bed." When we finished our game we gave each other a little kiss and went to our rooms."

I yawned and put on pajama bottoms, a Hoodie and crawled into bed. I switched off the lamp,and stretched. I heard thump by my window,I quickly sat up and looked around. I got out of bed as I slowly walked to the window,I look down to see someone climbing up my window. I panicked soon I was face to face with Hoodie, "H-Hoodie. Thank god I thought you were dead!" "Hello (Y/N) I heard you took my place." I scoffed,"Yeah but your probably gonna have it back because that's the only reason he gave it to me."

"No I had already spoken to Slenderman. He said I cannot have my position back." "I'm sorry dude but we thought you were dead,how...did you survive?" He crawled through the window and was standing in front of me,covered in dirt and mud. (Even tho they kidnz of da same) "That's just it if they think you are dead I can have my position back!" "Uh..." Crap crap crap! "b-bu-but I'm not d-dead!" "That's the only problem hun'." He quickly wrapped his hands around my neck and pressed me into the wall,his grip tightened up on my throat. Breathing soon became impossible,I was struggling and kicking trying to fight him off. "S-st-stop plea-please!"

I groaned in pain as my vision became blurry, my (eyelash length) eyelashes fluttered and I gave up. What's the point anymore? Yesterday I wanted to die. I dropped to the ground. Vision had gone completely black.

Hoodies POV
(Y/N) body dropped to the floor and I cracked my knuckles,I chuckled. "Oh crap I gotta make it look like an accident." I scrambled to grab makeup from her dresser, I got (S/C) blush from one and pulled out the brush. I brushed it over the hand marks on her neck,once I finished I messed up the room and cut the blankets up with scissors to make it look like the rake. I took a deep breath and put on my panic face,I ran into Slenderman's office and started fake hyperventilating. "Shes dead! I-I think it was the rake!"

Everyone surrounded in (Y/N) room, around six people gasped as Jack dropped to his knees and cried. "Hehe" I quietly chuckled. "Jackson my child for it wasn't the rake." I flashed my attention to Slenderman. "My retired proxy did,he was jealous of her so he choked her to death." Jack quickly swept his finger on her neck,on his grey finger was the blush I spread across her neck. "S-s-slenderman I didn't mean to!" "So Brian you didn't mean to wrap your hands around her neck,and add along pressure until life faded from her eyes?"

"Well... Ok fine I killed her! But Jack killed Jeffery!" "My child he killed him because he was being attacked,by my memory you were (Y/N) friend. What on earth did she do to you to deserve this?" Slenderman walked to the door turning the lock,"Children do whatever you must but don't get it on the carpet." Every one bobbed their head yes and faced me,I slowly backed away. "What are you guys gonna do to me?" "What we do best...Brian for the murder of your fellow innocent proxy you must face the trial." I heavily sighed and looked at the ground. "If you must." They all quickly surrounded me with their tool's, I accepted my fate.

Jacks POV
We cleaned up the blood as I carried (Y/N) to the witch Dr's room,her body was cold and peaceful. Before I got to witchy's room I stopped in the hall,I slid down the wall holding her. "You can't be dead beautiful, can you?" Not surprising no response, I sniffled a tear as I wiped it away. I continued going to the W/D (witch Dr).

Time skip 4 hours.
He had been trying remedies all night,he called me in and I stood next to him. "Anything working?" "I am sorry Jackson but there's no bringing her back." "Try again." "Buddy I can't I have used every resurrection spell in every book noting worked!" "WELL YOU HAVE TO TRY!" I slammed my fist down on the metal table and panted,"I-Im sorry doc'." He nodded as he slipped off his gloves,he sympathetically patted my back and walked out. I ran to Slenderman as fast as I could,i slammed open his door and slammed my hands on the desk. "Jackson what is the !meaning of this!" "Listen boss I know you got resurrection spells but you don't care enough to do it,I've seen you do it." He cleared his throat and stood up,"No." I ran towards him but his tendrils slammed me back against the wall,"I refuse to waist my powers oon a dead proxy!"

"For gods sake you have to try!" I began to whimper as he dropped me to the ground,"Jackson people-even Proxy's die. You have to accept this." "No... I refuse to." (Danggg he used his words against him!) I walked back to her body and it looked even worse,she had dark circles under her eyes. I pulled up a chair and sat next to her,I grabbed her hand and held it tight. "Please come back,you were my first kiss,first love. My first everything." I pushed her soft hair out of her face,my black tear fell from my eye and onto her cheek. It didn't stay there though,it absorbed into her skin. "Odd." I gently brushed her cheek once more,I took off my mask and placed it in her hands like flowers. "Love never lasts does it my dear?" I left,gently shutting the metal door behind me.

Readers POV
My eyes shot open and I gasped,it hurt I died and came back. Panting I grabbed my chest, I look to see Jack shocked. It looked like he was about to leave but he ran to me and sobbed,"Love? Is it you?!" "No Jack its totally not (Y/N)" I said sarcastically, he repeatedly kissed me. I walked over to the mirror,the dark circles in my eyes slowly filled to show my normal skin. "What brought you back?"

"Your love."

~ yussssss I know super cheesy ending xD anywho! Hope u liked it! Vote,comment,or follow me! Love u kittens!
3 can u see it? It's supposed to be a duck face :D~

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