How you meet - ashton

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How you meet - Ashton

Let's just say you have a very popular fan account on Instagram and acts how Ashton found you. Your Instagram has 10,000 followers and its called @CalumIsNotAsian__96 (sorry of that's anyone username, you have an amazing username). You had a lot of 'fans', who enjoyed your edits and posts.

One day you upload a picture, just like any other day, of ash and tag him in it.

You caption it "he will never see this. I cry"

Everyone was liking and commenting but one comment caught your eye. It was Ashton .

"What makes you think I will never see it?😏 @CalumIsNotAsian__96* he replies

You reply to his comment

"Is his actual Ashton fletcher Irwin?😂 @AshtonIriwn"

"Of course it is😂" he replies back.

He messaged you asking all about your account and telling you how much he loves it. You talked for hours and hours.

(A/N - I just realised Michael is the only one who actually meets in real life😱 guys can you vote and comment, it would mean the world😍)

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