Get Me Out of Here!

Start from the beginning

"I have to get to work early and make up for time lost today."

"That's not fair."

"No. But doing it should give me good karma. Why did you ask?"

"Well", Simba slows his eating and looks extremely suspicious.

"Young Jin-sunbae", you say wearily, "Come on. What is it?"

"Han River is just really pretty this time of year."

"We can go in the afternoon or..." you stop to allow your brain to catch up with your words but it's too late. "Maybe we can go now."

Simba's face immediately lights up, "It's really cold out there but it will be so nice. There's usually a light show at eight!"

You glance over at your clock and see it's almost seven.

"Okay. That sounds like fun. We'll eat and then head over there. Deal?"

There's a knock on your front door.


Both of you look over at it, Simba sucking the end of a noodle up as he does and you breaking out into a nervous sweat.


No one has ever knocked on your door before Simba tonight, so who is it and what do they want? You get to your feet slowly and glance quickly at Simba before heading to the door. The person outside knocks again, harder this time.

"Coming!" you holler and check the chain is in place before cracking the door open a tiny bit.

Standing in the hall outside is a young looking lady a little shorter then yourself, wearing a small black dress and huge earrings.

"Oh", she gasps in surprise and babbles in quick Korean.

It's too quick and sudden for you to properly understand so you point to yourself, "Sorry. English."

"Oh", she says again, "Maybe...Maybe I'm at the wrong place."

There's a sudden clink of metal against metal and the door is wrenched out of your hand.

You turn your horrified eyes to Simba as he leans against the open door easily and smiles his goofy, yet charming, smile out at the visitor.

"Maybe I can be of assistance."

She blinks at him and looks completely taken aback, you probably have the exact same expression on your face. Oblivious, Simba questions her in Korean and seems surprised by what she tells him.

Why did he have to come to the door? What if she'd recognised him, or does recognise him? Is it just you or is he anything but subtle? With a defeated sigh you turn and shuffle back to the table of food, siting and eating like this is your first meal in months. Your chopsticks go everywhere as you try to ignore the scene at the door. What are they talking about anyway? Why have they been talking for so long? A strange clattering sound makes you jump a little and glance over at the kitchen in surprise. It takes you a second to realise it's just your phone vibrating and not the lady in the hall opening fire with a machine gun. Jumping to your feet, you dash over and scoop it up on the final ring. Who is calling you this late anyway? You gaze down at the black screen, conflicted on whether to check if they left voice mail or not. A glance in Simba's direction reveals neither of those two even heard it over their own voices and blinding smiles. Suddenly, the phone comes alive in your hands and you see the caller is Prince Mak.

What is it now?


You swipe 'Accept' and press the phone to your ear, "Yoboseyo (Hello)?"

"Stace-ssi! How are you?" Prince Mak rambles breathlessly.

"Good. Thank you. How are you?"

You're actually starting to feel a little surrounded and almost claustrophobic.

"Really good. I can't seem to get through to Simba. I don't know if you know, but he's back in Korea."

"Yes. I took him shopping today."

"That's great! Do you know where he is now? Why isn't he answering his phone?"

"I couldn't tell you. Maybe the battery's dead or something. Either way, I'm sure his fine."

"Yeah. He would be. Maybe he doesn't get reception at his family's house, I wonder if Mr Kim knows the landline number."

"No! Ah... no, I don't think they have a landline. He mentioned something about it today", you try to drop the panicked tone back to an impartial one. "You can give me a message if you like and I can pass it on if I see him tomorrow. Or I can try and give him a call, see if I can get through."

"Would you? That would be great!" Prince Mak cheers, "Tell him me and have something to tell him!"

"Sure. I'll see what I can do. Good talking to you."
"You too. See you soon Stace!"

Never before has that statement sounded so much like a threat. Goosebumps travel your arms and you hang up quickly, slapping your phone back down on top of the counter.

Then you turn to the pair gossiping in the doorway, "Excuse me..." Too late you realise you don't know if Simba's told the lady a name. Real or fake. "...hun?"

He turns in slow motion to look at you, a cheeky grin splitting his face, "Yes?"

You can't help the blush that explodes over your cheeks at his reaction, "I...umm. Henry-ssi would like you to call him as soon as you can." You turn and stride into your bedroom, closing the door partially behind you. What a night! Not even a night, a five minutes! Changing into a worn pair of trackies and baggy, v neck top you give up on it all and crawl into bed.



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