"Asher, Declan!" A voice bellowed from inside causing Emmalee to tense up. "You guys ass mother fuckers, where have you been? You're late!"

Emmalee felt Declan tense before releasing her hand and stepping inside, pushing Asher out of the way in the process.

"Watch your mouth you fucking wanker!"

Asher looked at Emmalee and chuckled, extending his hand to her once again. "It's okay. "

She took his hand and stepped inside behind him. Her eyes instantly went to Declan. He stood in front of someone speaking quickly and where as she couldn't tell what was being said she could tell his tone was harsh.
"He doesn't take stereotyping too well." He said with a shrug. A small smirk curled the corner of his lips. "Even if it is partially true. "

Emmalee remained silent, watching as Declan turned away and headed back towards them, revealing a tall shirtless man.

His skin was the color of creamy caramel and his bare chest supporting abs for days. His lips, despite his recently lashing, supported a perfect grin showing off his pearly white teeth. His long braided dreads sat just above his bottom. He was perfect. Just like Asher and Declan. How was that even fair?

It was in that moment the man seemed to notice her, his perfect blue eyes widening. "Well, I'll be dammed. " He laughed, making his way over. "Who is this gem?"

"Off limits." Declan bellowed as Asher calmly stated. "Emmalee. "

Asher looked at Declan and laughed. "Elijah is married. Did you forget?"

Declan merely snorted and looked away. "Doesn't stop him from flirting." He stated coldly.

Elijah laughed and extended his hand to Emmalee. "Elijah Fallon. " He said coolly. "But you can call me Eli. I'm These two sad fuck's drummer, and who might you be princess?"

Emmalee reluctantly took his hand and he gently brought hers to his lips. Her cheeks burned a bright red ad his lips caressed the back side of her hand. "Emmalee Larkin. " She turned to face the two men she came in with. "I'm just a friend. "

She lightly pulled her hand away when his simple touched lingered for too long. "So, this is where you guys do your rehearsals then? " She asked as she stepped aside and finally took a look at the place. Whereas the outside had needed work, the inside was impeccable. A stage sat towards the back of the room and was lined with instruments.

"When they aren't too busy fucking about. "

The other voice took her by surprise and when she turned around she saw a man dressed in an extremely nice Armani suit with glasses hanging from the bridge of his nose.

Eli chuckled. "Carl, you seem a little uptight man. Old lady still hadn't lifted the sex ban?"

Emmakee watched the man's cheeks flush causing the other three men to laugh out loud.

"It's okay man. " Asher said patting him on the bad. "It happens to the best of us. " He paused a moment and then chuckled. "Just not to me. I'm too fucking good. " He said as he walked over to Emmalee and wrapped his arms over her shoulder, pulling her close.

Carl cleared his throat. "She's nine month pregnant. " He said a little flustered. "Stop bringing up my sex life. "

"Damn, my old lady was always at it during her last month. I swore my dick was going to fall off. " Eli said seriously.

Emmalee felt Asher tense and looked up at him, his face completely void of any emotion. What just happened? "Asher?" She asked softly.

"Alright, enough. " Declan bellowed, his eyes on Asher. "I thought we were here to play so music. "

Emmalee watched as Asher forced a smile on his face. It was evident the gears in his brain were turning over time. "Yeah!" He called out, releasing Emmalee and running towards the stage. "Let's show Emmalee what Handcuffs and Alibis is all about. "

"Wait," Carl called out, causing everyone to turn and look at him. "I came here for a reason tonight. "

Declan groaned and Asher sat on the edge of the stage. "We aren't going to replace you. " Declan spoke out. "We don't want another manager. Take your leave. As long as you want. We will manage until you come back. "

Carl smiled shyly. "I appreciate it guys, but I'm done. You have to find my replacement. I want to be close to my family. "

Emmalee smiled softly, feeling a little out of place. At first she had thought he was another member of the band, even though he really didn't look the part.

"Aw, this sucks. " Eli groaned. "How the hell are we going to find someone better than you. "

"You won't. "Carl shrugged. "But you guys will be okay. "

The guys all migrated towards the stage after that, speaking quietly on what they were to do, and reminiscing on how they had all started years ago. A lot of laughter and good memories were expressed from each and every one of them. At the end they decided to pay a fair well in Carl's honor. Emmalee couldn't help but notice the tears forming behind the other man's eyes all while trying to take in their music for the first time.

They were all a family here and Emmalee couldn't help but feel jealous of the loving connection they had all had for one another. She had never had that, not even with her own family. She knew though, deep in her heart, that even though Carl wouldn't be working for them that they wouldn't lose each other.

At the end of the night, Declan and Asher escorted Emmalee home, helping her with her bags.

"Thank you. " Emmalee said with a shy smile. "I had a lot of fun this evening. " She said as she turned to face them in her living room.

Declan pulled his phone out of his pocket. It was only a little after nine. "The night isn't over. " He stated simply. He moved to the side, pulling out the red cocktail dress out of the bag and handing it to her. "Ash is a little sad tonight. Nothing like a pretty woman to cheer a man up. "

Emmalee reluctantly took the dress and glanced over at Asher who was staring at Declan confused. She looked down at the dress and frowned. "Where are we going?"

Declan shrugged. "We aren't. You and Asher are. " He smiled. "Go get ready. "

Emmalee merely nodded and scurried off towards her room, doing as she was told.

Asher walked over to Declan wrapping his arms around his waist. "What are you doing?" He asked, resting his head on his chest.

"I saw your face." He stated simply. "Go out. Get your mind off it. Have some fun."

Asher looked up at him and smiled sadly, standing in his tippy toes and giving Declan a quick kiss. "Thank you. "

Declan snorted, lightly pushing him away as Emmalee made her way back in the room. The dress was for fitting, hugging her curves perfectly. She had kept her hair down and it laid in waves over curls over her shoulder with minimal make up. She was breath taking. "Fuck me. " Declan groaned under his breath.

Emmalee couldn't stop the blush that took over her face at the guys intense stares. "It doesn't look right on me, does it?" She asked shyly.

Asher offered her a huge toothy grin. "That dress was made for you. " He said extending his arm out for her. When she took it, he silently lead her to the door, but just before they stepped out Declan call for them.

"Don't be too entirely late. Emmalee has an interview tomorrow afternoon. "

Alright, here is chapter seven. It's a little later than I had planned, but this time the delay was for a good reason. I moved so packing and unpacking took up a lot of my time.

Next chapter is Emmalee's date with Asher. Things should start picking up soon which is exciting for us all.

Tell me what you think. Comment, vote, like, share. Thank you all who are reading and liking and voting already. It really keeps me motivated.

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