"Yah. On three people! 1... 2... 3!" The door creaked open as you were thrown into the room. You winced in pain and turned around. 

"Have fun," the girls giggled. 

"WAIT! MIKASA! Save meee!" you pleaded. She sighed and smiled. "Sorry, I'll promise I'll make it up for you for this one. I want to see how well you go," she answered. "WHY MIKASA??? WHY!???" you bawled. "See ya (F/N)," they waved before slamming the door in your face. 

You heard scurrying of feet that was followed by a big door slam. They made it back to their cabin safely. But you were not safe and sound. 

Heavy footsteps followed a few seconds later, towards the room you were in. "Shitshitshitshitshitshit," you thought. You clumsily ran into the bathroom and hid in there, in the bath tub. "I hope this will conceal me... But not for long," you thought, placing a hand on your mouth swallowing your fear. 

You heard the door open outside. He walked around a few times, and paused. You could only hear him, so you didn't really know what was going on. Some clinking of belts were heard. 

 Was he taking off his clothes??

You heard him take off his shirt. "Oh no. I'm going to be so dead, whether I clean to death, run laps to death or nosebleed to death. I will be scarred for life once he..."

He opened the door showing his fully naked body.

You were basically Ilse version 2, recording your experiences right before death.

You peeked over the rim of the bath tub, catching a flash of his muscular toned body. His body was literally glowing, with a chiseled eight-pack. Your heart rate increased as he walked closer and closer to the hiding spot you were at. 

"I do NOT want to see anything inappropriate. I do NOT want to see anything inappropriate. I dwant to see anything innappropriate. I want... WAIT NOO!!" 

His dark voice interrupted your chain of thoughts. 

"Oi brat, what the fuck are you doing in my bathroom?" he scowled. You didn't dare to look up or say anything. Let's just hope you suddenly disappear, which will not happen.

Warning: Lemon starts here!!

His head loomed close to yours. You could feel his heat radiating off his hot body. "I'm talking to you, brat." he whispered into your ear, making you shiver and blow your cover. Not really.

"H-h-heich-chou! I'm s-s-o sorry-y! Please don't k-kill me!" You squeaked. Your heart pounded against your rib cage threatening to burst out. You blushed a deep red and started to sweat. 

"Kill you? Why would I kill you?" he asked, staring down at you.

You bit back a yelp, and blurted, "IjustsawyounakedandIamnothingtoyouandIamjustafreakingsubordinate!Ihaveahugecrushonyouthoughbutyouarelikelytohatemejustasmuchastitans!" those words escaped your lips in a huge chunk. Your words hit him in realization. "Unlikely doesn't mean impossible doesn't it?" he hummed. 

You looked up. "Huh?" That was a very confusing thing of him to say. "What does he mean?"

"I've always had an eye for you, (L/N). I didn't know that every time I see you I have this strange tingly sensation in my body..." he murmured, looking deeply into your eyes. "I never knew you would actually be curled up in my bath tub waiting for me..."

Your mouth gaped wide open.

"What? No way! You-"

Your words got cut off by him crashing his lips onto yours. They molded together perfectly. He pulled away and panted, "I'm not joking (F/N). I think I have a thing for you..." 

A tingling feeling [Levi x Reader Lemon]Where stories live. Discover now