Chapter Twenty(Part One)

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"Tomorrow. Right now i'm spending time with you and Hayden," I answered as Hayden came and sat on the steps. Hayden's dad was very cool. He was deep and quiet. But when he talked, you couldn't help but to get focused on his voice. It was the same way with Hayden, although it seemed like he would never shut up.

"So, have anything come up on Trey and them?" Hayden asked. For the pass few months, Hayden had made sure either him or one of his friends was with me at all times.  I had taken a like over Adam. He always seemed to turn everything into a joke. I also liked Matthew and Nathan because they took everything too serious but I was pretty sure that Adam was my favorite.

"They haven't done anything." His father replied.

"They have to be planning something. It's been four months since their last attack. And werewolves are all for payback so when are they getting there's?" Hayden asked.

"Well, i have no idea what the answer to your question is but just keep an eye open. They could come at any time."  His father replied.

"Either way, I"m ready to kick some wolf butt." I said standing infront of Hayden with my arms put up in a fighting stance.

"No your not." He replied with a smile on his face.

"Sure I am." I said faking a swing at him. He caught my arm and I punched him stomach playfully with the other arm. He let go of my hands and put his muscular arms around me. I screamed and then he pulled me into his lap.

"You ain't ready for nothing." he said laughing.

"I didn't know you were going to do that." I replied laughing, getting comfortable in my position on his lap.

"You have to be prepared for anything." He replied.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I replied.

His dad busted out laughing watching us play fighting. He thought everything we did was funny because of the way we acted. I guess, Hayden and I had changed each other.  Hayden's dad had told me that before I came along Hayden was always so serious about everything and he could never take a joke or play around. He was always focused on the group(matthew, adam, and nathan)  and he was always serious about being the leader. Then when I came along, I changed him. I made him more fun to be around and I made it to where he could actually take a rest and take a joke. Hayden was always playfull around me and he always picked on me. When I first met him and everything started happening, I always took what he said literally, now I could care less what he said about me because I was going to say something back to him.

I guess in a way Hayden had changed me too. Before him I was always focused on fighting and making my brother and dad proud. I was always worrying about being the different person and having every other girl in this town not like me because I was such a tomboy. After I stopped giving such a big attitude to Hayden, he made me realize that being different was good. That meant that I wasn't a clone of all those other people. Hayden made me stop being so serious too. My brother has told me that he has seen a big difference in me since I started hanging out with Hayden. My dad had been around a whole lot more since I stopped going to the gym. He said that since I was hurt he was going to try to make up for all those times when he never got to be there for me. Trust me, he was making up for it big time. It seemed like ever since I let Hayden in my life, everything was getting better.  My dad was more involved in my life, my brother and I were getting along, I had a friend, and I wasn't always focusing on fighting. Everything was getting better.

I leaned against Hayden as he still had his arms around me. Hayden was like super strong. When he wanted to, he was as tough as a brick wall.  I liked that about him. He could be able to pick me up or let me sit on him without it effecting him. I thought that was cool.

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