Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

(Alesia's point of view)

I grabbed my make up bag just incase I needed a repair once i got to the gym.  It was around three forty five. It would probably take me until five after to get to the gym. I told Andrew that I was leaving and he replied that he would be in the gym by five o'clock. 

I stepped out onto the porch and went down my steps. I stopped and looked around to make sure that hayden wasn't no where around. I kind of had a feeling that he was stalking me. Once I made sure that everything was ok..i started walking towards the gym.

Hayden was really freaking me out. All this talk about non-human creatures and me getting attacked by people. That dude was crazy. The last time i checked...i could beat up as many guys as i wanted and i could sure as heck beat up a couple teenagers. It was no problem for me.  I don't care if they were humans or not(which everyone knows that they are human)...I could probably end up kicking their butt anyway. I kind of had the feeling that Hayden and his friends were going to be the one attacking me. I knew that i shouldn't have talked to a random person who came up to me in the street. Now, because of that one little conversation me and he's stalking me.

Clouds were rolling in over the sun. I could tell that it was going to be raining later on. This was sort of bad. I couldn't walk home in the Andrew was going to have to drive me. That was going to be a problem.. 1) I dont like cars. What's the point of using a car when you can get where you need with your legs? God gave them to people for a reason. 2) Andrew was the worst driver in the world.  Yeah, maybe i did have my drivers license but that's because my dad made me take driver's ed and made me go get the stupid thing. I have drove a car's just that.....i'm really big with global warming..and i hate to kill the ozone when i can easily get to the gym and back with my own two feet.

It seemed like every step i took made the clouds roll in more. They got darker by the minute....i'll admit it..thunderstorms scared me and that's what looked like was going to happen. I started to pick up my pace to get to the gym.  I was about a minute away from the gym when i heard a noise behind me. I turned around and looked everywhere only to see nothing. When i took another step I heard the noise again. I turned around..still nothing.  Now I was really freaked out.

I had the whole situation going on with a weirdo (Which i wasn't going to tell my dad or andrew about because they would totally freak) and he was talking about people attacking me and i was hearing strange noises and a storm was coming. Today was starting off great. I stood in that spot for a couple minutes just looking around to make sure nobody was watching me.  I started walking again only to hear it again. This time when I turned around i saw about nine guys all lined up behind me.  Every one of them looked big and mean...but they still looked like teenagers. Uh-oh. Maybe everything that Hayden was saying....was true. This was bad.

I was positive that i could take them on....but I had a match in about an hour. I needed all my strength for that match and i couldn't fight no one unless it was Peyton today(jim's rules).   They were all big and looked like someone i could take down within five minutes. Too bad they didn't know what i was capable of...the bad thing...i had no idea what they were capable of. 

"Are you Alesia?" i'm guessing the leader of the group said stepping forward.

"Why do you want to know?" I said.

"You beat up my father." He said smiling.

"Your father was groping me." I replied.

"He really didn't mean it." The guy said.

"Not meaning to grab a seventeen year olds butt?? Yea, i'm pretty sure that he meant it." I said. I turned around and tried to walk away but someone grabbed my arm. It felt like three hands were on me. When I tried to turn around, I saw that three guys who were once in that line were holding on to my arm not letting me go.  They were in that line a second ago so how could the three of them automatically be beside me? Uh-oh.

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