Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

(Alesia's point of view)

The next thing I knew i was opening my eyes to see Hayden and his friends crouched over me. They all looked worried and as soon as i opened my eyes Hayden's eyes got bigger and brighter. I had no idea what had happened to me. All i remember was somebody twisting my wrist and then me getting throwen into the concrete. As soon as I realized where I was the pain started to shoot through my body. Everything hurt. My face hurt, my wrist hurt, my ankle hurt, and my shoulder hurt. I felt somebody's hand on my back and my first guess was that it was hayden's.

"Please tell me your ok." Hayden said. I just looked at him and he looked at me. Then i looked around at Matthew, Nathan, and Adam. What had happened? I knew that those guys had tried to beat me up but then when did they get here? I never saw them here before...whatever happened to knock me out.

"Alesia I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." Hayden said.

"When did you get here?" I murmured.

"Don't worry about that right now. Are you hurt?" He asked making me sit up.

"My hand face shoulder.......lord..what time is it?" I asked. I had totally forgotten about the match at five.

"It's around four thirdy...and we've got to do something if your hurt." Hayden said. I tried to stand up but fell over on Hayden.

"I've got to get to my match." I said still a little bit zoned out. The only thing I really knew was going on was that i had my match in like thirty minutes. I really didn't care that I was practically in Hayden's lap right now. i just had to get to my match.

"You can't go to the match....i think your hand is broken, Alesia." He said helping me to my feet. He had one hand on my back and the other hand infront of me just in case i fell over again.

"I'm fine..i got to get to my match."  I said.

" can't fight."  Hayden protested.

"Yes, I can." I said.

"Guys, take her back to her house. I'll go tell her coach that she's sick or something." Hayden said making Matthew make sure that i wouldn't fall.

"No, I'm fine." I said walking away from them. Surprisenly, I still had my make up bag on my arm. Thank god I hadn't dropped that.

I started walking away from them but Hayden caught up to me.

 "You can't go fight like this." Hayden said with a worried look on his face.

'Of course I can...I feel fine." I tried to convience him. Honestly, I felt horrible.  My face was stinging so much it hurt to even talk. My hand was killing me and i could barely move it. I knew that he wanted me not to fight because he thought I might be hurt but unfortuntley, he didn't know me well enough. I was a fighter. Everything that i did involving boxing had determination in it. I never gave up when it came to boxing. Even when i was down with the worst cold I had ever gotten...i was still at the gym everyday. Hayden didn't know me at all.

"You can't fight, Alesia." he said.

"Yes, I can. leave me alone." I said shaking his arm off of me...and walking away from him and his friends.

I knew something wasn't right with them. I had no idea where all those big, mean dudes went but i was glad that they didn't do permenant damage although my wrist was killing me.

They were honestly scaring me and i didn't want to stay with them for another minutte.....I was always the one about people who are weird and different than others...but they.....

I don't know why but I just didn't want to be around them because they were too weird even for me.

When I got to the entrace to the gym, I stopped. I was really hurting..but i really wanted to beat this girl and prove that I, like my brother, am the best at the gym. I had made a promise yesterday that nothing was going to stop me from fighting no wait...beating her in the match. I knew Jim was going to be all over me for being late....I had maybe about twenty minutes to get ready. I sat down on the bench next to gym entrance. I held my wrist and rubbed it. I was going to have to get some gauze around it when i got back to the locker room.....

There was no way Jim could see my wrist. He would say that i would have to forfit the match and have to reschedule the match. I couldn't do that....

I took a mirror out of my make up bag and looked at my face. Then i realized why it was hurting so much. Pretty much my whole face was a bruise. It should be...I got thrown into the concrete...what?? two times.  I took my fountain out and tried my best to hide has much as the bruise as i could. That took about five minutes.

I carefully put my mirror back into my bag...being careful of my wrist.

I finally stood up and walked into the gym....trying to look as fine as i could.

(hayden's point of view)

I knew for a fact that she wasn't going to listen to me but I thought that maybe I could try to convience her. She was going to fight no matter what I said to her but i knew that if she did then she would only hurt herself worse. I couldn't have that happening.

Alesia shook her arm causing me to let go. She walked away. I really couldn't let her do this.

"What am i supposed to do when she doesn't listen to me?" I said turning to Matthew.

"I don't know." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Dad kept saying that I was meant to  help her. She never said anything about her not wanting my help." I said.

"He also said that it wasn't going to be easy." Adam added.

Nothing was easy when it came to being a werewolf. I hated everything about this. I could never come up with anything to do when we were all stuck in a situation. My ideas were lame. Nothing was ever right when it came to me. Matthew was way more qualified when it came to this.

I really didn't want her to get hurt but honestly, there was nothing I could do if she wouldn't listen to me. I knew she was hurt and she knew it too. I could see it in her eyes that she was hurting. She was a boxer and being a boxer means that you are trained to cover up your pain and never show that you are hurting.

"I think there's only one thing you can do."  Nathan said.

"What?" I asked.

"You have to stop the match." Nathan said.


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