Natalie gaped at her mother, stunned at how wild her mother used to be. And she dared to claim that Natalie was a lot like her? She had not jumped onto any man!

On second thought, she did jump on Cole plenty of times. Remembering that, her heart feels the pain of being pricked by a needle.

"You can't control who your heart had chosen to fall for, Natalie."

"I know that, mom."

Mrs. Kilper smiled as she reminisced. "I never planned to fall in love with your dad. I just want to break him until he's mine completely, but being a fool, I'm not the one in control at all. Instead, it's your dad that controls me."

"What do you mean?" Natalie asked and chooses to once again ignore how her mother just admitted her desire to break her own husband.

With an affectionate chuckle, Mrs. Kilper answered, "I've fallen in love with your dad completely. He's the only one that seems to understand me better than those boys that only wanted to have fun with me. It's like...your dad had woke me up, grounded me in reality. He was the one that curbed my wild ways and stayed with me throughout my tantrums."

"How does that relate to dad controlling you?" Natalie asked in confusion.

"Don't you get it, Natalie? Your dad manages to change me into a better person instead of me changing him into a bad one."

Eyes wide in understanding, Natalie nodded. Her father had in a way controlled her mother's behavior; even if most of the time his actions seems to be letting his wife do as she wishes. "Do you resent that?"

"Heavens no! Why would I?"

"Dad changed you. Do you not hate him, even for a tiny bit, for his interference?"

Mrs. Kilper sighed. "Honey, haven't you listened to what I've been telling you? I've changed into a better person, not a terrible person. In fact, I'm actually grateful that your dad changed me."

"Well, if that's so then I have to say congratulations."

Mrs. Kilper snorted. "You are a terrible daughter. Now, what are you going to do?"

"Do what?"

"About Cole."

"Mom, I'm not going to do anything. I'm not going to be some bitch stealing people's boyfriend."

"How can it be stealing when you merely open the boy's eyes?" Mrs. Kilper teased.

"No, mom!" Natalie stood up. "I won't be doing anything to Cole anymore!"


"No! Don't you understand? I have spent months trying to get him to notice me! And look what happened? He got a girlfriend that isn't me! He had continuously rejected me and even I have my pride!"

Mrs. Kilper stood up and hugged her daughter, the same way she was hugged when she was younger. When she was much younger, she had cried when children could be mean and mocked Natalie's bald head, where she had to shave her hair because of hair lice. Her mother had hugged her for a long time, giving her lots of promise that her hair will grow back and it will be even more beautiful than everyone's.

Just like then, the pain was swirling within her and her throat feels like something was stuck in it and her head hurts.

"It hurts mom. Why does it hurt so much?" Natalie asked. Her tears were falling non-stop and soaked Mrs. Kilper's blouse.

Mrs. Kilper rubbed her daughter's hair. "It's because you love him."

That simple answer caused Natalie to cry harder. "I really love him. I do."

"I know honey, I know."

"I don't want to let him go."

"I know."

"I have to let go him go for my own sake."

"I know sweetie. I know."

Natalie wanted to let go of her feelings for Cole because like what she had said, she has her own pride. But her heart was unwilling to let go and now, its only time that could heal her pain.

She will be strong later, but now, she just seeks comfort in her mother's arms like a little girl she used to be. 

As this book is published as ebook and paperback version, I had to remove three chapters from free reading in wattpad to avoid getting into trouble (>.<)''

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