Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Tomorrow night, I want you to meet Frank, one of your brother's friends."

"Mother," Natalie raised her voice, which was a lot harsher than she would normally speak to her mother, but she needs to get her attention before she started praising this 'Frank' person to her for the next hour.

Her mother always did that, but it worked well in wearing Natalie down to get her to agree with the date just to stop her mother from talking.

"I need to tell you something first."

Natalie could hear her mother sighed over the phone. "What is it, dear?"

"There's someone that I'm interested in."

Natalie fully expected her mom would cry in happiness, but what she heard was a scream of horror. She could hear her mom mumbled 'no' between her scream.

Despite not knowing why her mother reacted differently from what she imagined, she finished what she wants to say. "That's why I'm not going to accept any more dates."

Mrs. Kilper did not reply, and continues mumbling 'no'.

"Mom?" She called out in alarm but her mom was still in hysteria and not in the right state to pay any attention to her.

Natalie ended the call and dialed her father's mobile phone. "Hey dad, would you stop mom from screaming? My eardrum hurts." Natalie immediately said when the call connected. She could hear her mom was still screaming in the background.

"Of course, dear," her dad replied cheerfully.

A normal daughter would sound more concern while a normal husband would immediately go and calm down his wife but this family. Sad to say, her mother's screaming was a normal occurrence.

No, her mother was not crazy.

The doctor once said that screaming was good for her so that it would release her stress. Natalie had just stared at the doctor as if he belonged in the mental hospital, as a patient, but her father was very happy to know there was a way for his wife to release her pent up stress.

"But what did you say that set her off?" Her father asked curiously.

"I told her I'm interested in someone. Then she just started to scream. I thought she would be happy for me."

Natalie frowned when there was no reply from her father for quite a while. She could still hear her mother screaming and her father's breathing, so the line was not cut off. "Dad?"


Said 'sweetie' was getting confused. The only time her father would call her sweetie was when her father tried to explain to her that, no, babies will not be born from just kissing, and no, daddy was not trying to kill mommy every night in their bedroom just because she keeps screaming.

"What?" Natalie said warily.

"I know you have suffered for many years because of them, but you can't just give up."

"Give up?" She echoed in confusion.

"I know you are strong like your mom. Give them another chance before you give up on them."

"Who are these...'them'?"


"Men? What are you talking about dad?"

"Sweetie, your brother and I aren't a bad person. That should have told you something."

"What something?" Natalie grew frustrated.

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