Part I : Chapter VIII

Start from the beginning

"Why are you crying? Are you guilty of something? As far as I know, you are innocent but I have my doubts."

"Can you please stop?" I begged, trying to maintain my calm before I would explode.

"Astrocious." He mumbled, his eyes fixed on me.

   I hopped off of my bed, eyes wide. "Don't call me that," I said. How did he know about that? Who told him?

   "A true, caring person does not inflict harm upon anyone. I didn't want to tell you this, not now when you're at this state, but something Erik. He was at your school the time of the explosion; he had gone to pick you up early because I had requested it. He made it farther in than the officer did, and when the explosion occurred, he was heavily harmed. That's why I wouldn't let you see him. It wasn't because of you; it's because he's at the hospital in critical condition. You know the cause, I know you do. And the more you hide it, the more you are finding yourself guiltier in this situation..." He trailed off as he began to back away for an unknown reason to me.

  "No, you must be lying!"

"Erik is hurt, because of you. He-"

  "ENOUGH!" I cried, my palms facing his face and shooting out blue fuses. My heart beat quickened as I realized what I have done. Fury moved out of the way, the tail of his coat getting caught in the heat and falling into ashes below him. He stumbled to the floor, eye wide as he stared up at me in astonishment.

   I fell to my knees. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...," I cried into my hands as my skin and body changed to its normal state. 


    Laufey stared at the frozen state of the sorceress. The power she had used on Astryd was too much for her to endure, and she was dying. Her suffering was horrible, and it came to a point where she kneeled before Laufey begging for him to end it. He had. He froze her, and has kept her in the spot he did it on, going on with his life as if she never existed. That was his most gracious offer. He had got what he wanted from her, but was disappointed with the results. He wanted Astryd; he wanted her power.

   The sound of unfamiliar footsteps against the cold, hard ground caught Laufey's attention. The steps soon came to a halt and Laufey raised his head to see the mischievous 'Asgardian' prince before him. He wondered if Loki knew of his true heritage. "Kill him." Laufey spoke.

   The guards began to close in on Loki, but even then, he showed no fear. "After all I've done for you?" Loki said.

   Laufey and Loki shared a look of understanding, and Laufey waved off his guards dismissively. He sat back on his icy throne, eyeing his unwanted son. "So you're the one who showed us the way into Asgard," his raspy voice spoke.

   "That was just a bit fun, really," Loki shrugged, smiling lightly. He then opened his mouth to speak again, “to ruin my brother's big day and to protect the realm from his idiotic rule for a while longer."

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