Guilded - Chaper 2

Start from the beginning

As the trail comes to an end, wood chips replace the concrete path before turning back into concrete. I stop with the concrete and look to my right. There's another path that goes a short distance before coming to an end with a blue port-a-potty. To my left is a small stone path leading into a garden.

 To my left is a small stone path leading into a garden

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I decide to keep going forward. On my right there's some sort of long stone table in front of a willow tree, too short to be dined on but too tall to be a bench. It has some sort of stone oven on its right side and a large stone bowl shape closer to the center.

 It has some sort of stone oven on its right side and a large stone bowl shape closer to the center

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I keep walking and find a clearing to the right after the table. There's a smaller version of the sphinx, almost as tall as I am, sitting across the opening after the table and to the left is a sort of flat rock with a carving of a man holding a sword. His head seems to have been cut off since the rock wasn't long enough and was replaced by a small boulder.

I now start to remember what is farther ahead, so I go back to the table from before and sit patiently. I glance at my watch, it's ten minutes till one.

In the end, curiousity gets the best of me and I walk over to the Sphinx and touch it. The stone is cold against my fingers, even though it's directly in the sunlight. I run my fingers along its roughly carved head and look at the picture on its chest of the Salt Lake temple and stars in the shape of the Big Dipper.

Before I have the chance to turn around, a shadow covers me from someone taller than I am. They put a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to face a girl, not much taller than I am and about the same age, if not younger. Her hair is a blonde a-symmetrical bob. She wears chain mail and framed glasses that make her round face rounder.

 She wears chain mail and framed glasses that make her round face rounder

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