Serious note

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Hey guys soooo sorry for not updating at all for a while.... It's just that I've been somewhat busy and lazy XD. I just wanted to say that it's NEVER OK to tell someone to go kill themselves , and call them 'asshole' afterwards.... Or say 'no one cares about your stupid feelings'. This recently happened to me, and it HURT me a lot. Those people don't even fucking  know me, what I look like, what shit I've been through nothing. And it's not cool to tell someone shit like that. I was shocked, because those comments were a first for me. No body deserves such hate. No one. It's just something that will haunt the person forever. I just needed to get this off my chest. It's ok if you don't care about someone's feelings since you don't know them BUT there are OTHER ways to tell them, or even better KEEP YOUR TRAP SHUT BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE GOING THROUGH!! Honestly I just don't get why people that don't even know you feel it's ok to make your life even more shitty/miserable. Like who the fuck do they think they are? They don't know you or what your struggles are, so why would they believe it's their right to push you over the edge?

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