Chapter 5

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I'm so sorry for the no update thing. I've been busy. I have soccer practice (Monday-Thursday, 3:30pm-5:30pm). And, for more added stress, my SCHOOL starts next Monday! I remember saying how excited for summer on here! Btw, my first game is Sept. 3! Wish me luck! The song is 'Wherever You Will Go' by Charlene Soraia.

RECAP: Andrew forced Cosette to live with their mom and stepdad. Cosette was marveled with her room. Andrew got whacked on the side of the neck with a crowbar.

Enjoy chapter 5 of 'The Journal of a Fighter'


>>>>>SAMANTHA'S POV<<<<<

I haven't seen Andrew around school or work lately. I'm starting to get this unsteady feeling in my stomach, like he's hurt or even dead. So, I decided to visit his house. There was one vehicle in the driveway, Andrew's. I approached the door and knocked. No one answered. It was unlocked. There's that uneasy feeling again. The house was dead silent and the wreaking smell of alcohol lingered in the air.


No answer.

I checked the entire house but one room, Andrew's room. As I approached his door, I saw a bloody crowbar laying on the floor. I mustered up my courage and entered the room. There was a trail of blood on the floor. I followed it to a dying Andrew. I scrambled for my phone.


I was replaying worst case scenarios in my head when the doctor interrupted me of my thoughts.

"Latroe," he said. I picked my head up. The man approached me and sat down beside me. "We managed to save him. Your lucky you found him when you did. Another 4 hours and he would have died of blood loss. He should be up in a couple hours. I suggest you go home and rest. We will call you when he awakes."


>>>>>ANDREW'S POV<<<<<

I reached up and touched the bandage on my neck. To my surprise, I was in a hospital room.

'How did I get here?' I thought.

Then, a nurse walked in.

"Ahh, Mr.Latroe. How are you feeling?"

"Why am I not dead?"

"Your friend, I think her name was Samantha, called us, frantically. She said that you were extremely hurt and she would meet the ambulance on the way to the hospital."

I turned my head as someone knocked on the door. It was Samantha.

"Hey," she smiled.


"I leave you two alone," the nurse laughed. Samantha rolled her eyes. She came by my bed and sat down.

"Hey, thanks. For everything. Taking care of Cosette especially. And, whe-," she cut me off.

"Don't worry about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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