Chapter 3

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I heard the door open but my vision was blurred with blood. I hear a shriek and a guy comes running in. The girl was Cosette and the guy was Cody. Then, I blacked out.


I awoke in a hospital bed with Cosette in a chair beside me watching Bubble Guppies.

"Hey you," I tease.

"Hey. You ok? What happened? Who did this? I'm gon-" I cut her off.

"Hey! This isn't 20 questions. I'm fine. I fell, again,"

"Geez, you clutz," she laughed. Then, the nurse walked in.

"Mr.Latroe. How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Dizzy, a little light-headed," I responded.

"Ok, I'll get you some sedatives," she walked out of the room. Then, Daniel Dian came in, dressed in his police uniform.

"Excuse me, I'm Officer Daniel Dian. I'm here to asked you some questions on how this happened. Are you up to it?"

"Uhh....yea. I came home from work, it was dark, and I was really tired. So, I collapsed and I must've hit my head on something with glass," I defended my father. I couldn't have him find out. My mother got remarried; Cosette and I were sent a postcard from Brazil. His name was Henry Collins. If my mother married him, I thought he would be ok to take Cosette into custody. I would fight for that. She would finally be safe. She wouldn't have to face this monster anymore.

"Ok. Thank you," he said. Mr.Dian left the room and the nurse came in with a cup of apple juice and some big white pills. They must be the sedatives. There were two of them.

"Oh boy," I complained. The nurse chuckled.

"They're not as bad as they look. Here." She handed me the pills and I took them. In less than 10 minutes, I fell asleep.


"Yes, sir, that's correct. I would like Cosette Marie Latrone to move with my mother and her new husband in Los Angeles, for her own safety."

"Mr.Latrone, what do you mean by, 'her own safety'?" Judge Jesson interrogated.

"I just believe that she needs a mother figure before she ends up like a boy-toy, drug abuser, or a self-hater." But, what I really meant was before my so-called father could hurt her.

"Ok. Cosette Marie Latrone will be relocated on Friday to her mother's house," I felt relieved. The bad part was, I would have to tell her she was moving, without me.



Well, that was interesting. How will Cosette react when Andrew tells her the news? Wait till chapter 4. Will she go willingly or will she put up a fight?

Delilah 😘

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