Chapter 1

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"Dad, ever since you lost your job and won me and Cosette in the custody battle, you haven't put the bottle down." I said in a calming tone. Since the divorce 7 years ago and the loss of his job, my dad has been, well, abusive. The worst part is he blames me for my mother leaving him and moving to California. The abuse is everyday. I won't let him near my 8-year-old sister. I'm basically her legal guardian. I feed her, take her to school, and take care of her while having to deal with my 'father', school, and my 2 jobs. I had to take the second one when the drinking was everything he ever did. He spent more money than I can make. I always take Cosette with me to work. I'm a waiter at a diner and a mechanic at an auto-body shop. So, life hasn't been the happy, sun-shiny, perfect life. Until, Daniel Dian noticed my scars. On my neck, face, and, worst of all, my wrists. I've been cutting since I was 12. I'm 17 now. Cosette doesn't know. Howard doesn't know. I'm the only one who knows. I don't have anyone I can call my friend. Anyone to confide in, until I met Cody Dian. From the time his father saw them, Cody's been.............friendly. His dad is a cop. Nice guy. One day, Cody noticed my wrists. He asked, I blamed my 'cat'.

"I'M GOING TO THE BAR!" my dad screamed as his partially-sober friend pulled out in front of my house. Cosette was at a friend's house for a play date. I was happy she had friends. She is typically my nurse. She thinks I'm a clutz because I constantly tell her that I fell when, actually, I just endured a beating. I'd rather it be me than her. She's too innocent.


In my school, there is a scale of how hot a guy is. 0-10.

0-Not worthy of words
3-A little better
4-Dwight Eisenhower ugly
5-Gossip worthy
6-Can get dates but not too many
7-Bigger sports jocks
8-Bad boy
10-Beauty King, always voted Prom King, and gets all the eyes of women.

I rate a nine. I think I settle at 4 but every girl says "9".

I pick at my salad. School cafeteria salad. Mmmm. Sounds delicious, right? Cody has been trying to be nice. But, I won't let him. Today, he saw my wrists.

"You ok, Andrew?" Cody asked, worriedly.

"Uhh, yeah. I'm fine. I got a cat at home." I glanced at my watch, "Oh, uh, I need to pick up my little sis from school. See ya." I pick up my salad and throw it in the trash. I sign myself out of school and headed for my car.


When I reached her school, she was sitting on a bench. I forgot she had a half day today. She ended at 11:30 AM.

"Hey," she said, "You look sad. Are you ok? Are you?"

I cleared my throat and said, "Yeah, I'm fine."


I figured my dad wouldn't be home till later so I left Cosette at home with a babysitter. She wasn't very good. I had to work 30 minutes over time today and I didn't get home till 10:25 PM. When I arrived home, I saw my dad's truck was in the front yard. 'Oh no!' I thought to myself. He must of just gotten home because the door was wide open and the truck was still hot. I raced inside to find him stomping to Cosette's room. I grabbed his shoulders and jerked him out of his drunken pursuit. He immediately turned around and put his hands on my neck and started to choke me. Gasping for air, my knees give out and he is holding me up by my neck. I finally pass out and hit my head off of the coffee table.



So? How's Andrew's life? Pretty rough, huh? I hope none of your guys' life is like that. God forbid. Follow lexieshoup and read her book the lens. It's driving me insane.

Andrew Latroe: Fransisco Lachowski
Cosette Latroe: Willow Shields
Howard Latroe: Woody Harrelson
Cody Dian: Josh Hutcherson
Daniel Dian: Alex Kendrick


Delilah 😘

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