「Ch. XIV | Dream」

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Another chapter of 2nd Generation! Hope you enjoy and as always, arigatou for reading!

Yukira slowly opened her eyes but instead of a dark cave ceiling like she was expecting she saw white endlessness.

She groaned as she got up and put her head in her hands. She looked up with squinting eyes and looked around, seeing nothing but the whiteness. Soon she hopped up and looked around frantically, hoping for an end to the whiteness.

Seeing no end she sat down and sighed, wondering where she was. Suddenly in the distance she saw a figure but it was too far away for her to know who or what it was. She squinted as the figure came closer and closer, revealing a woman with long hair flying around her head. 

As she came closer Yukira recognised her as Oracle Sab, also known as Sabrina.

Yukira hopped up with the plan to get closer, but hesitated. She was happy to see Sabrina but she wasn't sure if she was real or not. Yukira backed up as Sabrina came closer. Sabrina smiled at her "It's okay, child, I am real and I will not hurt you."

Yukira's eyes widened, stepping back another step and reaching out for a wall that wasn't there. "Yukira, now is not the time to be cautious, I'm here to help you, I know where the portal to Draken is." She had Yukira's attention.

Yukira stepped closer "Where is it?" Sabrina hesitated, opening and closing her mouth a few times then spoke "The portal is hidden in the cave you're staying in, it's by a pool, you'll have to find it on your own." She suddenly jumped forward and grabbed Yukira's hands, making Yukira jump.

"I'm running out of time, quickly, wake up and find the portal!" She voice started morphing into something else, deeper and holding so much power in it's words "GO!"

Yukira shot up, breathing heavily. She vaguely noticed the group of people around her, she didn't notice Ryuu holding his head. She blinked a few times and leaned back a little bit from Ryuu "Ryuu? Are you okay?"

He chuckled a bit "Yeah, you just shot up and hit me on the head." Yukira blushed, realising Ryuu was practically on top of her, his body on her right and his hand on her left side. She shook it off and silently moved Ryuu's arm so she could get up.

When she did she got dizzy and almost fell over. She put her head in her hands again, blinking away the dizziness. She felt Ryuu behind her and several eyes on her but she didn't care. Sabrina left her with the feeling of quickly running out of time.

Yukira hurried towards the back of the cave, seeing it end right there. She lit up her hand with her lava and looked around, seeing nothing she growled in frustration. She continued to ignore her audience as she punched her first against the wall, muttering "Where the hell is it?"

She knew her friends were probably worried sick at the moment but she continued her scene. She kept muttering "Where is it?" as she looked all over the wall, inch by inch. She saw nothing out of the ordinary.

She hit the wall again "Damn it!" She was about to hit the wall again when someone grabbed her from behind. Her fist, millimetres from the wall, was stopped by a hand grabbing her wrist "Yu, stop." She turned with a glare on her face but it softened when she saw Ryuu's face.

His eyes were closed and he looked a little pained. She dropped her hands to her sides and turned, putting her back against the wall. Ryuu stood up straight and sighed "How about you stop for a second and tell us what's wrong, okay?"

Yukira hesitated but nodded and headed towards the fire everyone had going. She sat down and people gathered around to see what she was going to say. Yukira sighed and started to tell everyone her story in a level voice, keeping her head down and her pink hair covering her face.

After a minute of silence she felt a small hand on her shoulder. Yukira quickly looked up and saw Lela smiling at her "If we have something to be looking for, then shouldn't we be looking for it?" Yukira smiled and got up "What are we waiting for then?"

Everyone started searching the walls and a few people the ceiling. Yukira sat down for a quick breather, starting to think if this was all useless. She looked at all her friends, we can't keep up this pace for long, she thought.

She put her hand on her chin and started muttering "How are we supposed to find it?" She suddenly thought back to when Sabrina said that the portal was by a pool. Yukira frowned and looked around, the cave was as dry as the desert it was in.

Yukira got up, suddenly determined. Where there's water there's bound to be life, right? And with Yukira's nose she could sniff it out. She darted over to the wall and started sniffing it like crazy. She didn't smell anything at first and she could feel her friends looking at her.

Suddenly Yukira smelled it, water and plants. She put her hand around where she smelled and felt a little hole in the wall. She looked into it and saw a little light. She smiled victoriously and smiled even more as she forced the rocks to move and it slid open smoothly for her.

She looked into the room and saw a glowing portal like the one she had seen when she was captured. Her group gathered behind her as she walked closer. The portal sat in the middle of a pond, above it. Yukira cautiously walked closer and then turned towards her friends.

"Are you all ready?"

Kind of a crappy ending :P. They have found the portal and are about to go into it so...yeah. Anyway, as always, arigatou for reading!

2nd GenerationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon